The nightingale singing is familiar to almost every person. But if you show this bird, then you can hear: "Can a nondescript gray bird turn out to be that very singer?" Can! It is impossible to convey the whole range of singing in words and even more so with a drawing. But trying to draw an image of a hero is not difficult at all.

It is necessary
one sheet of paper, a pencil and a little time
Step 1
You need to start drawing the bird from the body. First you need a diagonal oval. It should be drawn carefully so that the lines are straight and clear.
Step 2
Add a circle to the top of the oval. The head should be in proportion to the body. Three times smaller than it and a little narrower than the middle of the oval. The eyes are best depicted as bold dots. The beak can be drawn wide open. To do this, draw the "less" inequality sign to the head. The part that is attached to the head should be thickened.
Step 3
It is necessary to attach a line to the lower part of the body - a tail. It should be long. Now it remains to draw a few more of these to the line. These will be the feathers.
Step 4
You can go to the folded wings. Just above the middle of the body, draw a convex line. Draw a straight line above it. They should close in a pointed corner, closer to the tail. A small gap should be left on the opposite side. Now you can finish painting the feathers.
Step 5
The legs should be attached to the lower part of the body. They can be drawn in the form of sticks with small hooks on the tips. Small elements like this should be drawn with sharpened, hard pencils.
Step 6
Smooth lines need to connect all parts of the body and paint the nightingale. This bird is brownish-brown above, brownish-gray below. Long tail of the same color as the back.