A river and a forest in a dream can portend both good changes in life and a series of unpleasant events. Of great importance are the sleeping person's own feelings, his attitude to what is happening.

The central moments in the interpretation of a dream in which a person sees a forest are the feelings of pleasure, spaciousness and fear that arise when it is necessary to go through it. Of great importance is the nature of the water in the river, which occurs on the path of the walker. Such dreams show how the sleeper perceives his environment in reality and whether he is ready to overcome his fears.
Interpretation of a dream in which the forest appears
A beautiful majestic forest with a dense green canopy is a symbol of prosperity and pleasure. A person calmly and proudly walking through his thicket will in reality feel the support of relatives and friends, his body will be filled with energy and strength, which will allow him to achieve all his goals. The exact opposite picture develops if a person has to walk in a dream through a dark, impassable forest, where an unknown danger lurks behind every bush and tree. This speaks of future trials and of his search for himself in this world.
A dry forest or covered with snow promises a deterioration in the state of affairs or health. You need to pay attention to your lifestyle and analyze the situation at work. If at the same time the sleeping person freezes and feels severe hunger, then there will be some troubles associated with settling some business. Getting lost in the forest, but with the challenge of looking for ways out of the thicket, means finding a way out of a difficult situation in reality. To succumb to panic means to be afraid of any changes in real life, to refuse to believe in what is happening and to “hide your head in the sand”.
Interpretation of a dream in which there is a river
At all times, water has been a symbol of calmness and tranquility and foreshadowed the sleeper soon good events. However, the indistinct outlines of the river and its murky frightening appearance promise a person troubles, quarrels and disagreements. If in a dream you had to overcome a dense thicket, and then suddenly go to the river bank, then such a dream must be interpreted as a warning about possible troubles at work. If you can see that the river is on the verge of shallowing, then in reality you will have to worry and worry about the state of your affairs.
Muddy and dirty water is symbolized by an unclean person who can try to drag a sleeping person into an unprofitable enterprise. If a person floats on the river and sees the bodies of dead people at its bottom, then luck and luck will leave him. In general, it is necessary to interpret a dream in which both the river and the forest are present at the same time, as a whole, paying attention to your feelings and the brightness of the colors. Lush, bright vegetation along the banks of the quiet surface of the river promises a bright and good time. A gloomy thicket, hostilely opposed to the sleeper, and the seething water in the river "speak" of imminent unpleasant changes in life, litigation and troubles.