The correct shape and proportions of a plastic doll are only half the success in creating one. To complete the work, the doll needs to be colored. Painting is carried out in two stages.

Step 1
The doll can be painted both before and after firing. To make your toy look as realistic as possible, paint it in two steps. After the product is molded, apply paint that makes the doll look like a living person. To do this, you will need decorative cosmetics - eye shadows and blush of different shades. It is most convenient to apply the paint with eye shadow applicators and cotton pads.
Step 2
If you are making a doll whose eyes need to be painted, apply a suitable shade of eyeshadow to her eyelids. Limit yourself to one thin layer of cosmetics - it is better to make the color a little lighter than necessary, it can be enhanced after firing.
Step 3
Match the blush for the doll's cheeks. Determine the color based on the skin tone and eye color of the doll - the same rules apply here as in the selection of cosmetics for people. Collect blush with a powder puff and touch it to that part of the cheeks, which usually rises in people when they smile (smile in front of the mirror - you will see "apples" that need to be painted). Rub the blush in a circular motion using a cotton ball. The intensity of the blush depends only on your idea.
Step 4
With the same color, but only in greater concentration, paint on the lips of the doll. This is necessary if you want to create the effect of natural lips, not made up with lipstick.
Step 5
Find a natural beige blush that is slightly darker than the doll's skin. Apply them with a puff to the temples of the toy, the forehead closer to the hair, the wings of the nose, the area under the nose and on the chin. Mix this color with a very small amount of pink blush and coat the doll's knees, elbows and collarbones with a thin layer of the resulting shade - this will give the doll's color a fresher and more natural look.
Step 6
After firing or self-hardening of the plastic, paint the doll with water-based paints - acrylic or tempera. Apply color with a thin synthetic brush. Cover the iris of the eyes with several coats of paint. While the first layer dries, mix a slightly different shade from the first on the palette. By mixing shades that will be visible through the next layers of paint, you will achieve a deeper eye color. Draw a line along the lower eyelid with flesh color, paint the eyelashes with black or brown. Choose the color of the eyebrow dye according to the shade of the hair - the eyebrows should be slightly darker. Use diluted white paint to paint highlights on the doll's eyes to liven up her eyes.
Step 7
After the paint is dry, cover it with varnish. Eyes and lips can be treated with glossy acrylic varnish, eyebrows with satin, the rest of the face with matte.