Any hunter knows perfectly well that the most demanded abrasive is a shot. When they first began to cast shot, the only material from which it was made was cast iron. Therefore, the shot was hard and hard. Times change, production is improved, completely new metals and substances are developed and used. Nowadays, in most cases, the shot is poured from lead. Most of the gun shot, respectively, is made by specialists. But the shot can also be cast at home. That is why the equipment of cartridges has become a very common occupation among young and already experienced hunters.

It is necessary
Template jar, lead, copper plate, diesel fuel, gasoline, graphite
Step 1
There is an old "old-fashioned" method for casting homemade shot. The very first step that needs to be taken: prepare the workplace and all the necessary tools. To carry out all the work, you will need: lead, a blowtorch, a stamping can, a copper plate, a container with water, gasoline, diesel fuel, detergent, graphite powder.
Step 2
First you need to make ingots from small pieces of lead. Next, the resulting ingots must be lowered into a large vessel.
Step 3
The next step is to melt the resulting ingots. To do this, use any available means, if there is a blowtorch, then melt it with it, if not, you can use a gas stove. But this is less safe, since all the harmful substances will end up in the apartment.
Step 4
Further, in the jar, punching at the bottom, it is necessary to make several holes with an awl inside the jar. The diameter is selected independently.
Step 5
It is necessary to substitute a bump stop under the stamping, which is a three-millimeter copper plate. The plate must be bent at an angle of 45 °. The bump stop is pre-coated with whitewash. The length of the part along which drops of molten lead will flow should be 3-4 centimeters.
Step 6
Place a container with water under the bump stop, the temperature of which should reach 40 degrees.
Step 7
It is necessary to dilute any detergent in water, in addition, pour diesel fuel into the resulting mixture. The diesel fuel layer should be up to several centimeters. Pass the molten lead through the constructed unit.
Step 8
After the pellets have cooled in water, they must be dipped in gasoline and thoroughly dried in the open air, or using a frying pan (but in this case, if you overexpose the pellets on the fire, they will melt).
Step 9
Then graphite powder must be added to the resulting pellets. If there is no powder available, then you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take the core of a simple pencil. The hardness of the pencil should be T or TM. Knead the graphite rod to powder, add it to the pellets. Shake everything thoroughly. This completes the casting of the shot.