Step 1
Learn the vocal line (the top staff of each line of the piece). First play it twice on the instrument, then start singing four measures at a time. Do not rush to add words right away - you can just stretch out a vowel or syllable. If convenient, sing solfeggio (with note names). Now the main thing is to perform the melody accurately, without falsehood.

It is necessary
- Romance sheet music accompanied by guitar or piano;
- Guitar or piano.
Step 1
Learn the vocal line (the top staff of each line of the piece). First, play it twice on the instrument, then start singing four measures at a time. Do not rush to add words right away - you can just stretch out a vowel or syllable. If convenient, sing solfeggio (with note names). Now the main thing is to perform the melody accurately, without falsehood.
Already at this stage, it is impossible to turn the melody into an exercise. Follow the movement of the melody - crescendo, diminuendo, acceleration and deceleration, and other nuances. Try to do them right away.
Step 2
Sing the melody in its entirety, taking into account all the nuances and strokes.
Step 3
Speak the words to the rhythm of the melody. The first time it will be awkward, funny, but necessary. Clearly articulate all vowels and consonants, and place the consonants as if at the beginning of the next syllable so that the vowels last as long as possible.
Step 4
Sing a melody with words.
Step 5
Go to accompaniment. If it is a piano, take it apart first with your right hand, then with your left. Play the guitar with both at the same time (pinch the string with the left, pluck with the right). Start parsing slowly. Play four bars until you feel free to play. Then move on to the next four.
Step 6
Connect the four bars. Play freely at the tempo of the original. Watch for the nuances: development, climax, denouement are present in each phrase, but differ from the general climax of the work.
Step 7
When the instrumental playing is already free enough, add your voice. Sing and play at the same time. If it is difficult to immediately perform a piece from beginning to end, connect in four measures, you can slightly slow down the tempo (but so that there is enough breath for the phrase).
Step 8
Perform the romance from start to finish at the pace of the original, subject to all dynamic and technical changes.