Drawing dishes sometimes seems rather boring to novice artists. Classes in the studio, in which you constantly have to depict jugs and cups, which at first turn out to be lopsided, not everyone likes. But the process can become very exciting if you see the variety of shapes and ornaments and try to convey the characteristic features of this particular object.

The pitcher starts from the vertical
There are many truly beautiful jugs in the world. Find the shape that you find the most refined. Consider the picture or the item itself. Imagine what geometric bodies it can be divided into. Set the approximate ratio of dimensions - the height and width of the jug at its widest part, the height and thickness of the neck. Consider how the handle is attached to the body. Choose the angle from which the shape of your pitcher is most pronounced. Since you are going to draw an object that is clearly greater than its width, place the paper vertically. This, of course, does not apply if you are going to depict some other objects next to your jug. Stepping back slightly from the bottom edge, draw a vertical line in the middle of the sheet.
Almost any object can be represented as a composition of several geometric bodies. For example, a jug is a ball or ovoid, a narrow cylinder and a wider and lower cylinder.
We transfer the relations
Step-by-step drawing of a jug begins with transferring the ratios of volumetric objects to a plane. From the bottom end of the line, set aside the height of the widest part of your jug, then the height of the neck, as well as the widest part of it. Draw thin auxiliary lines through all the marks. Draw another auxiliary line through the middle of the segment, where the wide part of the jug will be. Along these lines, set aside the dimensions of the wide part, the neck and its top, where the drain is located.
you have a good eye, you can not draw auxiliary lines.
Draw the shapes
After the "control points" of all parts appear in the figure, you will only have to draw these parts. So, the wide part of the jug on the plane will look like a circle or an oval on a narrow stand that looks like just a strip. The neck is a rectangle, the top of the neck is a strip, a trapezoid expanding upward or a trapezoid with a curly edge. The handle is attached to the neck and to the wide part of the jug; it most often looks like an arc, but it can also have a more refined and bizarre shape, especially in oriental dishes. Draw it with a double line. Trace the contours with a soft pencil and remove the auxiliary lines where they cannot be masked with strokes.
How do I submit a form?
When drawing three-dimensional objects, the most crucial moment is shading. It is with its help that the form is transmitted. When drawing a jug, options are possible. You can apply arcuate strokes to the wider part of the subject. The strokes will be denser at the contours and less often at the middle, so that it appears convex. You can also lay horizontal "paths" of zigzag strokes - darker along the contours, lighter in the middle. The strokes on the neck can be vertical or horizontal, but the rule is the same: the middle remains light.