A heart made of beads can be a pleasant gift for a loved one. Its creation will not take much time and will require the use of only a few materials at hand.

It is necessary
- - lavsan threads (or fishing line);
- - pins;
- - needles No. 10-12;
- - beads of a suitable color.
Step 1
Prepare small pieces of thread or other suitable material. If the thread is too long, you run the risk of tangling when twisting it into knots. In this case, the thread should be thin, since you will have to pass through the same beads several times. Too thick threads can split the beads.
Step 2
Start weaving the product using the mosaic technique. Considering that the number of rows of the heart will constantly change, it is better to start weaving from the middle. Cast on the first bead, leaving a small tail. Fix it by going through the hole again. Gather 16 more beads in this way. Having turned around, go to the third bead from the end. Collecting one particle at a time, go through every second of them. Thus, the subsequent rows will be shifted by half beads.
Step 3
Complete the row by going through the first bead that you collect so that it is perpendicular to the rest. Weave another row by adding additional beads on top. This will be the basis for starting a new series. Perform the following rows, guided by the selected pattern and reducing the number of beads in each of them. At the end of the work, hide the ends of the threads in the beads.
Step 4
You can try to modify the scheme: you can use green and black (gray, blue or other) colors to create eyes, lilac or cream - for lips, if you want to "revive" the heart. Intersperse the beads in the colors you want while weaving the rows to create your own design or lettering. If desired, decorate the edges of the heart with a fringe, lengthening the outer rows during work and recruiting new beads. You can also enlarge the heart by changing the size of the beads or the number of their rows. It is better to think over a suitable modification before starting work and prepare the required amount of materials.