The casino is a special world. In this world, the roulette wheel is spinning, millions are lost and won in one instant, time stops and, as it were, “freezes”. Going to the casino, you need to take into account the fact that there are written and unwritten laws of behavior in gambling establishments. Compliance with these laws saves you a lot of trouble and helps to preserve health and sometimes life.

The casino is not a charitable foundation
Before stepping over the threshold of a casino, understand one truth for yourself: there is no place for goodness and justice in gambling salons. A casino is not a charitable institution. There, no one will think about you not losing too much money, will not discourage you from placing bets and give useful advice. The goal of the owners of a gambling establishment is to get the largest possible amount from you in the shortest possible time.
So that your visit to the casino does not bring you disappointment, prepare in advance the amount of money that you are ready to lose. Do not take credit cards with you to the establishment. Do not go to the company of "well-wishers" promising to lend you in case of failure. By preparing in this way, you will at least be sure that you will not lose more than you have and will not go into debt.
First acquaintance with the casino
First of all, if you are already going to play, then go to a decent institution. Since the gambling business is banned in Russia, you will have to go to one of the domestic or foreign gambling zones to visit a legal gambling salon. Under no circumstances go to the basement, slot machine room disguised as an Internet club, or illegal salon. A good casino can be identified by the presence of a license, the level of training of staff, and an abundance of entertainment.
When planning to visit a respectable casino, take care of your appearance. In elite establishments, there are security guards or controllers at the entrance, exercising face control of incoming customers. At first glance, they determine the cost of things and accessories worn on a person and decide whether to let a particular visitor into the hall. Especially strict face control exists in UK gambling houses.
Exude confidence
It is prohibited to enter the premises of the gambling establishment with a weapon. Also, most casino managers prohibit taking photos and videos inside the hall. If you want to capture that exciting moment when the roulette ball falls near the number you need, find out in advance if this can be done.
Be confident and calm. Treat the staff with due respect, but not familiarity. These people are used to dealing with big money, so they are wary of those players who make friends with them. The casino staff loves generous customers and can provide invaluable assistance to those customers who do not forget to tip.