How To Learn To Draw A Cat

How To Learn To Draw A Cat
How To Learn To Draw A Cat

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Teaching a child to draw is impossible without mastering the basic shapes - a circle, an ellipse, a square, a triangle and a line. They will be the basis of any drawing, be it a cat, a dog or a parrot. In addition, it is important to be able to correctly find the proportions of the body and place the central figure on the sheet.

How to learn to draw a cat
How to learn to draw a cat


Step 1

Try to draw a sitting cat. To do this, take an A4 sheet and a soft pencil. Step back 3 cm from the top and bottom and draw a vertical line. Divide it into 4 parts. The topmost part will be the head. For her, draw a circle, and 2 triangles on top - these will be ears.

Step 2

Now it's the turn for the body. Sketch two curved lines as shown in the figure. They will be the basis of the body itself and the forelegs.

Step 3

Draw the muzzle. Since you are drawing a cartoon cat, draw larger eyes to make it more expressive. The main shape for the eyes is ovals. Draw the nose and mouth in the form of inverted triangles. Moreover, the mouth is slightly larger.

Step 4

Queue for tail and paws. This cat's tail will be a pipe. Draw two vertical lines and then connect them in a semicircle. To draw the front legs, draw 2 lines in addition to the sketchy lines drawn in step 2, and draw a circle to indicate the hind legs.

Step 5

Erase all the guidelines along which you guided while drawing the cat.

Step 6

Now you need to work out all the features of the animal in more detail: round off the lines of the paws, add here and there protruding hairs, because you drew not a domestic cat, but a real street cat. Street cats are always a little tousled. Well, what is a real cat walking on the street without stripes? Use a harder pencil to work out the details and a soft pencil to create the background. With a hard pencil, you will give the drawing clarity, and with a soft pencil you can add depth.

Step 7

You can bring the cat to life by adding new objects to the image. It is desirable to work out the background. You can change the direction of his gaze and show the object he is looking at. Draw a fish or sausage sticking out of his mouth, or a mouse that he holds by the tail with his teeth. So the cat will acquire its own character.
