How To Make Beaded Mimosa

How To Make Beaded Mimosa
How To Make Beaded Mimosa

No wonder the twigs of this beautiful plant are presented to beautiful ladies on March 8, because mimosa flowers, yellow and delicate, were considered a symbol of the sun and rebirth even in Ancient Egypt. However, fresh flowers wither very quickly. But you can prolong the feeling of the holiday if you weave mimosa from beads.

How to make beaded mimosa
How to make beaded mimosa

To make these wonderful spring flowers, you will need:

- round yellow beads - 300 g;

- green beads or bugles - 150 g;

- wire with a diameter of 2 mm;

- green floss threads;

- PVA glue;

- flower pot;

- gypsum;

- nippers;

- expanded clay, crushed stone or any other small stones.

How to weave mimosa flowers

Sprigs of mimosa are woven using the twisting method. To do this, you need to cut the wire into pieces 30 cm long.

The number of wire pieces will depend on the desired number of flowering twigs.

Cast on the wire 5 yellow beads. Place them in the center, bend the wire to form a loop, and twist under the lower beads. Make 4-5 turns. Then place the yellow beads on the left end of the cord, bend it and make a few turns under the beads.

Make the rest of the flowers in the same way. In total, you need about 30, more or less as you wish. To make the twig lush, combine 3-5 of the resulting flowers together and twist them together.

How to weave mimosa leaves

Cut off pieces of wire 60 cm long. Put 5 green beads on it. Place them in the middle and pull one end of the wire through all the beads. Then make the branches of the leaf. Bend the wire to the side, string another 5-8 beads on it and pull this end through all the beads. Then fold both ends of the wire together and string 3-5 beads on them and make another branch as described above. Weave a twig with 10 sharp leaves. Make 5-6 green branches of different sizes.

Leaves can also be made from green glass beads. This process will be much easier. String 1 bead onto the wire, and then 1 bugle, pull the other end of the wire through it. Make the leaves in the same way, staggering them.

Beaded mimosa sprigs can be simply put in a vase, or you can make a bush and fix it in a flower pot.

How to make a mimosa bush

Take 3 flowers, fold them together, attach a couple of leaves and twist the wire. Make several trunks, then join them together into a bush. Tightly wrap the trunk with floss threads and coat them with PVA glue. Let them dry.

Pick up a flower pot. Pour expanded clay or crushed stone at the bottom. Dilute the gypsum to the consistency of sour cream. Place the bush in a pot and fill everything with plaster. Leave the product to dry for about a day. After that, decorate the surface of the pot with green beads of different shades.
