Serial: You Can't Stop Watching. Where To Put The Comma?

Serial: You Can't Stop Watching. Where To Put The Comma?
Serial: You Can't Stop Watching. Where To Put The Comma?

TV series have long ceased to be associated with bloated "soap" operas about love, hatred and separation. Now a huge number of them are produced on various topics and enlightenment. But one thing remains unchanged - one has only to start watching how hard it is to quit. Even understanding the meaning of the story and anticipating the ending, they still attract to themselves until the final series. What is the magic: in the ability of TV people to keep intrigue, or in ourselves? There is no definite answer to this question, but it is worth understanding a little.

Serial: you can't stop watching. Where to put the comma?
Serial: you can't stop watching. Where to put the comma?

Since its inception, television has become so firmly embedded in people's lives that it is difficult to find a person who, in one way or another, is not enslaved by the magnetism of the blue screen. Thanks to modern technologies, TV provides a wide selection of programs and films to the taste of the most fastidious viewer. One of the immortal television programs are television series, which reliably rivet millions of TV viewers around the world.

Even understanding the meaning of the film, and guessing about its ending, we continue, as if spellbound, to wait for a "meeting" with our favorite characters, empathize with them and wait for a happy ending. Why is this happening, why is there a dependence on watching the next episode?

It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer, each person is individual and his preferences are also different. But it is possible to trace a certain classification of the reasons why people with different interests, education, living standards and social status "stick" to TV screens.

  1. Replacing your own life. Life is boring and not interesting if it is filled with gray everyday life. Problems at home and at work, friends are busy with their lives, few bright and funny events. In this case, the heroes of the films become friends or practically family members. You empathize with them, rejoice and upset their failures. Their lives, though fictional, become much more interesting than their own.
  2. Time absorber. This point is closely intertwined with the previous one and lies in the fact that it is easier to "kill" time to watch the next series about your favorite heroes than to sit alone. People get used to their way of life and with great difficulty want to change it. Instead of taking time to chat with friends, going to sports or dancing, to the cinema or to an exhibition, it is better to be at home on your favorite couch and sit in a cozy atmosphere day after day, enjoying watching your favorite movie.
  3. Relaxation from an overabundance of information. Recently, short comic series are very popular. The plot in them is extremely simple, usually boils down to a few jokes and ridiculous situations from the main characters. Modern life is filled with an overabundance of information. Coming home from work, I really want to rest and relax, "turn off" your brain. One of these ways is just watching funny and light-hearted episodes about a little wonderful heroes.
  4. Search for answers. Although the film is fiction, the stories are taken from life, a little embellished and far-fetched. Most of the problems, happy moments are similar to real stories. Many see them as something similar to their life. Perhaps they see advice in solving their own problems.
  5. Gestalt effect. The human psyche is arranged in such a way that we perceive information in an integral structure, as a single image. If some part is missing, the brain either "thinks out" the missing image, or waits for a continuation to complete the image. This explains the desire of people to listen to stories to the end. And the show, in fact, is one long story that we want to see to the end.
