Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous characters in world literature. More than two hundred films and TV series are dedicated to him. The genius detective from the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle even got into the Guinness Book of Records as the character, the works about which are filmed most often.

Classic versions of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The first truly successful film adaptation of Conan Doyle's stories was the film series The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, filmed in the United States from 1939 to 1946. Holmes was played by the actor Basil Rathbone, and Watson was played by Nigel Bruce. In the United States, they are still considered the ideal performers of these roles.
In 1979, the first episodes of Igor Maslennikov's famous series "Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson" appeared on the television screens of our country. A total of 9 episodes were filmed from 1979 to 1986. Vasily Livanov so organically got used to the role of an impeccable English gentleman that even the British recognized him as the best classic Sherlock Holmes. However, Dr. Watson performed by Vitaly Solomin for the first time managed to show his hero not just as a witness, but as an active participant in Holmes' investigations.
In 1984-1985, the British released their TV series The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. The role of Holmes was played by Jeremy Brett, who turned out to be outwardly unusually similar to the character described by Conan Doyle.
Sherlock Holmes in the 21st century
In 2009, the film of the famous English director Guy Ritchie "Sherlock Holmes" was released on the screens of the world, and in 2011 - its sequel, entitled "Sherlock Holmes: A Play of Shadows". Oddly enough, Richie invited an American, albeit very famous, - Robert Downey Jr., for the main role. Instead of an imperturbable English gentleman, Downey Jr. played a daring but extremely charming adventurer. But the image of Dr. Watson, created by Jude Law, turned out to be quite classic.
In 2010, filming began for the new English version of "Tales of Sherlock Holmes" - the series "Sherlock". Its action has been postponed to the 21st century. Sherlock Holmes is young, energetic and very modern here. His role was played by actor Benedict Cumberbatch.
Perhaps the most daring version of the adventures of Sherlock Holmes was offered by the creators of the American TV series "Elementary", which began showing in 2012. Just as in the English "Sherlock", the action has been transferred to the present day. Sherlock Holmes played by Johnny Lee Miller is a former drug addict living in New York. And Dr. Watson turned into a woman at all - Joan Watson (Lucy Liu).
And finally, in 2013, a new Russian TV series "Sherlock Holmes" appeared with Igor Petrenko and Andrey Panin in the lead roles. The main character in it is more likely Watson than Holmes, the plots of famous stories have been changed beyond recognition. Holmes of Igor Petrenko does not at all look like a gentleman: he is poor, unbalanced and generally at first gives the impression of a not quite healthy person. True, gradually this strange Holmes begins to seem more and more charming.
Years go by, and new films and TV series about Sherlock Holmes are released. And the viewer is left to look, compare them, choosing for himself that Holmes, which, in his opinion, most accurately corresponds to the idea of a beloved literary character.