Since ancient times, craftswomen have used various types of embroidery to decorate clothes, curtains, napkins and towels. With the help of needlework, they not only improved the appearance of the product, but also hid defects in homespun fabrics and other materials. Satin stitch embroidery still does not go out of fashion today. They are used to decorate blouses, skirts, dresses and even bags and outerwear.

Satin stitch is one of the methods of embroidery in which the stitches fit snugly together and cover the entire surface of the pattern.
You can embroider with satin stitch on silk, woolen and cotton fabrics. Velvet, broadcloth, and even leather or suede are also suitable. Depending on the material on which the pattern will be made, the types of threads are selected. Thin and delicate fabrics are embroidered with cotton floss or silk threads. For thicker ones, you can use wool or iris.
In order for you to get a beautiful and neat product, it is very important to choose the right main sewing tool - a needle. For satin stitch embroidery, short needles with a large enough eye are best suited. According to the rules of needlework, the needle should be slightly thicker than the thread used for the work.
Another indispensable tool for embroiderers, especially for beginners, is the hoop. Thanks to this simple device, you can stretch the fabric, which will greatly facilitate the embroidery process. You can choose and purchase a hoop in almost all shops selling handicraft goods.
When embroidering with satin stitch, craftswomen use different types of stitches: "forward needle", "backward needle", Vladimir, looped, stalked, "chain" and many others. The simplest types of seams are considered two-sided. When performing them, the needle must be guided parallel to the tissue. Thanks to this, a smooth and neat embroidery will also be obtained on the wrong side of the material. Make sure that all stitches are the same size - no more than 4 mm in height. Try to lay them as close to each other as possible.
There are various satin stitch embroidery techniques. For example, "white" surface is embroidery with white thin threads on fine fabric. The contour of the pattern is made with a seam "forward to the needle", the pattern itself - with satin stitches.
"Artistic" satin stitch is embroidered with shiny colored threads, using slanting stitches.
When making a "satin" surface, the stitches are made in such a way that their ends do not touch, but slightly go one after the other.
If you are just planning to master the technique of embroidery, it is recommended to purchase special kits for beginners - they include not only everything you need for needlework, but also detailed instructions for making patterns.