Conifers in home culture have begun to be used relatively recently. Moreover, the most popular among them is the cypress. And not in vain, because it will delight you with its bright juicy greens all year round, and on New Year's Eve it can successfully replace any New Year tree. You just need to take into account some of the features of the natural conditions of the homeland of the cypress. And he comes from the warm, humid Mediterranean.
Step 1
Cypress is not very picky about light, it rather needs partial shade. Moreover, in winter and autumn, it is better to place it on the south or west window, and with the onset of sunny weather, move it to the north. Pay attention to the temperature regime in winter. Best of all, this plant will feel on a glazed loggia at temperatures from +5 to +10 degrees. If not, then keep the cypress away from heating radiators, and ventilate the room as often as possible, avoiding drafts.

Step 2
Cypress needs moderate watering. In the summer, 2 times a week, and in the winter, 2 times in three weeks. But watch out for the moisture content of the soil - it should not dry out completely. Cypress responds very well to regular water treatments. Feel free to spray it, regardless of the season. Top dressing of indoor cypress is done during the period of active growth, i.e. from May to August. They are fed once a month with special fertilizers "Sodium Gummat", "Bud" or "Effekton". This handsome man has a very delicate root system, so do not get carried away with transplanting. If you really need it, then try to minimize the trauma of the earthen lump. The new pot must be well drained. The soil mixture should consist of two parts of leafy soil and one part of sod land, peat and sand. The root collar of the tree must be on the surface, otherwise, the plant will die.
Step 3
Due to the fact that cypress is very demanding on temperature and humidity, flower growers often face the problem of drying shoots and yellowing of the needles. Therefore, try to comply with the necessary conditions of detention. A weakened plant is often attacked by a spider mite. Also, hypothermia of the root system can be the cause of drying. In case of illness, the plant must be treated with "Fitoverm" or "Aktellik", always humidifying the air around the plant. You can try to revive the plant by placing it in a plastic bag. Inflate air into the bag and tie tightly, periodically spraying the crown with water with the addition of "Epin". This procedure should last until young shoots appear.