The anime series "Fullmetal Alchemist" is popular all over the world. The main characters, brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric, suffered during an alchemical experiment. Edward lost his arm, which was replaced by a metal prosthesis, and Alphonse was forced to move entirely into a steel body. Although the "steel" alchemist is Alphonse, the main character of the series is Edward. It is he who is portrayed on posters and DVD covers of the series.

It is necessary
- - paper;
- - a simple pencil;
- - eraser;
- - black marker;
- - colored pencils, markers or paints.
Step 1
Begin your drawing by drawing construction lines. Draw the head of Edward Elric with an oval. Then mark his height with a vertical line and the width of his shoulders and hips with horizontal lines. At the same time, decide on the length of the body and legs.
Step 2
Continue with auxiliary constructions. Use vertical lines for arms and legs. Think about what kind of pose you would like to give your character. Mark the locations of the hands and feet with ovals.
Step 3
Start drawing the character's clothing. Edward Elric wears a long red cape, giving his figure a trapezoidal silhouette. The sleeves of the cloak are slightly widened towards the hands. Another feature of Edward's costume is the rough boots with short tops, into which the trousers are tucked in.
Step 4
Draw the hairstyle and facial features of the character. The characters of "Fullmetal Alchemist" are characterized by an anime style in the depiction of faces, which is expressed in unnaturally large eyes, a conventionally designated nose and a relatively small and expressionless mouth. Pay special attention to the character's hairstyle: Edward has a long tousled bangs, parted in the center by a parting, and a thick short pigtail at the back of his head, which can be depicted over the shoulder.
Step 5
Add details. Draw a stand-up shirt collar and ties tied with a metal buckle, don't forget to waist. Add folds to the clothes, try to arrange them naturally. Draw individual strands in the hair and define the highlights in the eyes.
Step 6
Trace the outline of the drawing with a thin black marker. Wait for the marker to dry completely and erase any excess pencil lines.
Step 7
Color in your drawing with crayons, felt-tip pens, or paints. You can add shadows using darker shades of color. Try to place the shadows correctly, focusing on an imaginary light source.