Faux fur wears well, has good thermal insulation properties, is beautiful and affordable. Things made from this material will diversify your wardrobe, and sewing it does not require special equipment and skills. But for good results, there are a few tricks you need to know when working with faux fur.

Step 1
When cutting, remember that in the finished product, the pile should be directed downward. If the pile is short, the material is folded twice; fur with a long pile is cut without folding. It is necessary to cut the fur very carefully, cutting only the base and trying not to spoil the pile, scissors and a razor blade are also suitable for this.
Step 2
Before sewing, set up the machine on patches, for sewing take needles 14/90 or 16/100, ordinary universal polyester or cotton-polyester threads are suitable.
Stitch in the direction of the pile. To prevent the parts to be sewn from moving together, pin off the seam with pins perpendicular to the stitching (long needles with colored tips are best). If the fur has a sheepskin, leather base, the product is not swept away, and the needles are injected along the line very close to the edge, because any extra puncture will be noticeable. If your fur has a long pile, tuck it under the stitching with closed scissors, a screwdriver or an iron nail file. After sewing, remove the fluff that has fallen under it with a darning needle.
Step 3
Several seams are suitable for sewing.
A regular seam stitch is great for short fur, but is also convenient for long pile fabrics if you trim the fur from the seam allowances beforehand. Then spread out the seam allowances and baste over the edge.
The butt seam is commonly used for seaming faux fur on long-pile knits. It is not visible from the front side, since it is completely covered with fur and does not create thickness, but is only suitable for seams that do not carry any special loads during wear (for example, shoulder and back seams of the sleeve).
They also use a seam in the overlay, it also looks the same on both sides, for strength, you can lay several parallel lines, the excess allowance can be easily cut off with scissors.
Step 4
Faux fur should not be ironed, but iron the wrong side if necessary. Set the temperature to low and first try on an unnecessary piece.