Knitting guides often recommend “knit in two strands”. In some cases, this is necessary to obtain a coarse knit fabric ("twofold thread"). Others use threads of two balls of different colors to create a two-tone garment or a simple jacquard pattern. When working with double yarns, you should pay attention to some tricks that simplify the knitter's task and help to make the product flawlessly.

It is necessary
- - straight or circular knitting needles;
- - two skeins of a strand of the same or different colors.
Step 1
Take two balls of yarn of the same color, thickness and texture and carefully align the ends of the two strands. Start rewinding two balls in one with twofold thread. Try to wind the double yarn rather tightly, do not twist the companion yarns, otherwise you risk confusing them.
Step 2
Examine the newly unpacked factory skein. In some cases, the opposite end of the thread can be pulled out from its middle (inner part). If the yarn is easily pulled from both sides of the skein, then you can do without the tedious rewinding of two balls.
Step 3
In the process of knitting, simply match the opposite ends of the thread and gradually pull the “tail” from the inside of the skein.
Step 4
If you knit in two threads from the same ball, try not to make mistakes in the calculations of the loops and rows. It will be much more difficult to dissolve a product knitted in this way than with ordinary knitting in one thread.
Step 5
Working with two skeins of yarn of different colors may be required when making a jacquard pattern. To start knitting, you need to choose a suitable pattern for the future knitted pattern on the canvas or draw it yourself on a checkered sheet. Shade the loop cells with the appropriate colors.
Step 6
Carefully follow the finished scheme of the future two-color pattern and alternately work with one or the other thread. In this case, the non-working yarn will be pulled along the seamy side of the fabric.
Step 7
Try not to tighten the knitting. The broaches should lie freely, but also not dangle in "free flight". To avoid tangling the threads, place them in plastic bags or special jacquard knitting tools.