How To Be Like Sheldon Cooper

How To Be Like Sheldon Cooper
How To Be Like Sheldon Cooper

Sheldon Cooper is the protagonist of the hit TV series The Big Bang Theory. With the advent of this amazing character, many teenagers began to strive to imitate him, but, alas, not everyone succeeded in becoming like Sheldon. Below are tips to help you try on the look of your favorite character.

How to be like Sheldon Cooper
How to be like Sheldon Cooper

1. Train your eidetic memory

Learn to memorize everything, pay attention to even the smallest details.

2. Follow the schedule

Create a special schedule in which you will indicate your daily activities. Organize your time.

3. Appreciate yourself and your knowledge

Be a narcissist as you are a special person with a specific set of hobbies and knowledge. You should be proud of yourself.

4. Monitor your health

Do whatever it takes to stay healthy. After all, health is undoubtedly the basis of personality development.

5. Read comics

Sheldon Cooper's favorite comics are known to be Marvel and DC comics. You can follow the tastes of your favorite character, or choose comics based on your own interests.

6. Wear T-shirts with your favorite characters

Sheldon constantly wears T-shirts featuring comic book characters: Flash, Green Arrow and others.

7. Practice playing musical instruments

Cooper plays four musical instruments: piano, guitar, block flute and theremin. To this list you can add other musical instruments that you enjoy playing.

8. Do science

Scientific knowledge develops the logical functions of the brain, allows you to find new interesting facts and develop the ideas of scientists.

9. Develop intelligence

In the modern world, being a comprehensively developed person is a very honorable title. Follow your interests, solve puzzles and challenging problems, and you will significantly increase your level of knowledge.

10. Learn something new every day.

Read articles on topics that interest you, books and encyclopedias. All this will contribute to the creation of a certain knowledge base and the ability to navigate the world of science.
