How To Build A Base Pattern

How To Build A Base Pattern
How To Build A Base Pattern

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Once you saw in the store a stylish skirt that suited you very much, but its price is completely beyond your means. If you decide to sew such a skirt yourself, then for this you need to build a base pattern. Having learned how to build it, you can easily model many different skirts, and other clothes too. So, for this you need to follow these steps

How to build a base pattern
How to build a base pattern


Step 1

Take the necessary measurements (skirt length, waist circumference, hip circumference) and write them down on a piece of paper.

Step 2

Take special paper (millimeter paper) for the pattern.

Draw a rectangle for a straight skirt pattern, where the horizontal lines are the width of the skirt, which is half the circumference of the hips, and the vertical sides are the length of the skirt.

Step 3

We divide the hip circumference by 4 and minus 2 cm, with these calculations we determine the side line, measure the resulting length on the pattern and set a point from which we draw a perpendicular. Check, you should get a rectangle divided into four parts.

Step 4

Determine the depth of the darts for a straight skirt, for this we determine the difference between the semicircles of the waist and hips, then we divide the difference in half - this will be the depth of the dart, apply it to the pattern.

Step 5

We draw the side and back darts, measuring the required depth and width, and put points. Draw the waistline of the back half of your skirt by connecting the marked points on your pattern. Draw the front dart of the skirt, also connecting the points obtained as a result of the previous measurements.

Step 6

Draw the waistline of the front half of the skirt, having previously measured the required length and connecting the appropriate points. Finally, your pattern is ready and you can safely start sewing the skirt you like. Naturally, having such a pattern, now you can sew any skirt, making small necessary changes.
