"Bumps" are one of those versatile patterns that fit quite easily, but look very good at the same time. There are many ways to accomplish this drawing. The option depends on whether you knit the whole product with "knobs", or they are needed to decorate a yoke or a pocket.

What you need to be able to
"Bumps" - the pattern is simple, but it still requires some skills. First you need to learn how to dial loops, knit front and back loops, and also knit several loops from one loop and vice versa - knit 3, 5 or 7 loops together. Any yarn is suitable for this pattern, but it is better to choose soft, well-spun threads. A "lump" is a bulge. It turns out due to the fact that at first several loops are knitted from one loop, and after a certain number of rows the “extra” loops are knitted together. Please note that for a product made with a similar convex pattern, you will need a little more yarn than if you knit with hosiery or garter stitch.
The simplest "bumps"
For the pattern, dial the number of loops that is divisible by 4, plus 2 hem. Purl one row, knit the second row. From the third row, start knitting the pattern. Remove the edging. Purl 3 loops, knit 3 from 1. Knit the fourth row according to the pattern - do the front loops over the front loops, and purl the ones that are knitted from one loop. In the fifth row, knit 3 purl, then 3 together with the front, etc. In the seventh row, the "bumps" and the gaps are shifted by 1 loop, that is, after the edge loop, you need to knit purl 2 loops, then from 1 loop 3, purl 3, etc. In the ninth row, 3 loops obtained from one, knit together, and knit purl over the purl. In the eleventh row, slide the "bumps" and gaps again, knitting purl 1 at the beginning of the row, purl 3 from 1 loop, purl 3 from 1 loop. The thirteenth row is knitted like the third, and then the pattern is repeated. This is the main pattern that can be improved. For example, increase the gaps between the "bumps". You can also knit so that the bulges are formed against the background not of the purl loops, but of the front ones. True, the pattern will turn out to be not so embossed. You can try different options for making the front loops - for the front or for the back wall.
Five by five
This type of "bumps" looks good if knitted from soft wool with rather thick knitting needles. It is not much different from the previous one. The original number of loops should be divided by 6, plus 2 edging. Knit the first two rows in the same way as in the previous case. In the third row, knit 5 purl after the initial hem, then from one loop - 5. Alternate this way to the end of the row. As in the previous case, all even rows are knitted according to the pattern. In the fifth row, knit loops from one, knit the front one together, and knit the wrong one over the purls. In the next rows, the pattern is shifted by 1 loop, as well as when performing "bumps" of three loops.
"Bumps" in one row
There is another version of this pattern. Cast on any number of loops, knit a couple of rows with hosiery. "Bumps" can be performed both on the front and on the seamy side. Tie to the place where the bulge will be. Knit from 1 loop 3 or 5. Turn the knitting over, knit the dialed loops with the purl. Turn the work over again and knit all the loops together. Continue the row.