Knitting has long been considered one of the most exciting activities and interesting ways to while away a long winter evening. Knitting is especially popular, which allow you to create not only an exclusive thing, but also to develop hand motor skills.

Step 1
Mastering knitting, novice needlewomen are faced with the first problem - how to dial a number of basic loops, without which it is impossible to continue knitting. Knitting of any product always begins with a set of loops of the initial row using two knitting needles connected to each other. Measure the thread three times the width of the intended product and place it on the index finger of the left if you are right-handed, or right, if you are left-handed, hands. In this case, the thread coming from the ball should be between the middle and forefinger. And wrap the end of the palm around your thumb.
Step 2
Keep the threads in the palm of your hand, and move your index and thumb apart from each other. In your right (left) hand, take two knitting needles and insert under the thumb loop from bottom to top. Next, grab the thread on the index finger and thread it through the loop of the thumb, which then discard from it, and pull the wrapped thread with knitting needles. So, you should have your first main loop. Then continue the set of loops: first place the knitting needles under the loop on the thumb, then grab the thread on the index and pull it through the thread on the thumb. In doing so, do not forget to evenly pull the thread on the knitting needles.
Step 3
Also, always leave the end of the thread free up to 15 cm so that you can then weave it into the fabric. If the part has to be sewn, then make the "tail" much longer. To create products that are thinner in quality, a set of main loops in one thread is used. Take one knitting needle in your right (left) hand and with the index finger of the opposite hand, put the loop on the knitting needle, thereby dialing the required number of them. Thus, having a number of basic loops, then you can easily knit absolutely any pattern.