You can not only buy a fashionable and bright T-shirt in a store, but also make it yourself from an old one. For a miraculous transformation, you only need your own imagination and a few simple improvised means.

An ordinary T-shirt of any color can be easily and quickly turned into a real fashionable masterpiece with the help of available tools. A self-decorated T-shirt will look very stylish, and its owner or owner will be proud that no one else has the same thing. The items you need to decorate can be found at home or bought at a nearby store.
Create a masterpiece with scissors
With the help of scissors, you can change the T-shirt beyond recognition. However, it should be remembered that such manipulations need to be carried out only with cotton products, since this material will not stretch and subsequently lose its shape. On a T-shirt, you can make not only neat small cuts, but also create whole drawings.
For example, to create a "skeleton" pattern, you only need a black T-shirt or T-shirt. Carefully mark the "spine" on the back of the product - a vertical line about 3-4 cm wide, running exactly in the middle. After that, mark the "ribs" - horizontal lines at intervals of no more than 1, 5 cm. Carefully cut with sharp scissors all the marks, starting from the line of the spine to the most lateral seams.
In the same way, you can create any other drawings, the main thing is to include your own imagination.
Old lightning works wonders
An old, unnecessary zipper can be a great T-shirt decoration. To do this, you just need to measure its length, make a corresponding cut on the product in the place where you want to insert it, and sew it neatly.
You can make a cut on the back from the center of the neckline to the middle of the T-shirt - then with the zipper open, your back will be open. You can insert double zippers on the sleeves if your shirt has long ones. You will get not just a fashionable item, but also the ability to adjust the bare shoulders. The front zipper can be used to deepen the neckline.
Rhinestones, beads, sequins and beads
If you have old torn beads, rhinestones or sequins at home, you can use them to decorate your T-shirt. It is enough just to sew on these details, marking the lines of the desired pattern on the T-shirt.
If you know how to embroider patterns with beads, this skill will help you create a T-shirt with a unique pattern. An interesting idea would be embroidery on the hem of a T-shirt or T-shirt, imitating splashes of spilled paint.
Lovers of standing out from the crowd can use metal rivets and studs to decorate their T-shirt.
Faithful helpers - paints
To update an old T-shirt, fabric paints or regular markers will come in handy. Using the appropriate stencils, you can apply absolutely any pattern to the shirt. The main thing to remember is that between the back and the front of the T-shirt when dyeing, it is imperative to put a sheet of thick cardboard so that the front of the T-shirt does not stain the back.
By the way, the most common paint is also suitable for applying an interesting pattern or lettering. It is better to carry out such manipulations with the product on the balcony or with an open window - this way the pungent smell of paint will disappear faster, and the drying time of the drawing will be shortened.
Lace, appliques and patches
Laces that match in color with the tone of the product look great on women's T-shirts and T-shirts. You can simply sew lace onto the surface of the T-shirt, or you can cut the T-shirt along the seam and sew the lace between the details. In this way, you can widen the sleeves or increase the overall width of the product.
Various applications and stripes look very nice on T-shirts. You can make an applique yourself using a stencil or instructions from magazines and the Internet, or you can buy a ready-made patch. In the first case, you will receive a completely original design, and in the second, you will save time.
You can sew several appliques on one product or create one large pattern consisting of small details.