How To Dye Coffee Fabric

How To Dye Coffee Fabric
How To Dye Coffee Fabric

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Needlewomen use coffee as a natural dye when it is necessary to dye fabric for making a tilde doll, giving its "skin" a flesh color (or tan color). However, sometimes it is not for dolls that it is necessary to paint the fabric, to give it a beautiful shade from beige to brown. Coffee does a great job of this.

How to dye coffee fabric
How to dye coffee fabric

It is necessary

  • - ground or instant coffee;
  • - dishes.


Step 1

Buy ground coffee. You do not have to spend money on an expensive exquisite variety, you do not need to evaluate its taste. Take the cheapest one (there is an opinion that it is he who is good as a dye for fabric).

Step 2

Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

Step 3

Reduce heat and add 100 grams of ground coffee to boiling water. The fire must be reduced so that the rapidly boiling foam does not pour out onto the stove or into your hands.

Step 4

Remove the pot from the stove and strain the coffee solution. Put the strained solution on fire and bring to a boil.

Step 5

Dip a cloth in a boiling coffee solution and simmer for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly to distribute the dye evenly throughout the cloth.

Step 6

Gently remove the cloth from the pan, let it cool slightly. Then carefully straighten, fasten the pins and already with their help hang the fabric on the rope (it is important at this stage not to allow the fabric to bend, because then the fold will be darker than the entire piece).

Step 7

If you want to get a "marble" color, then strongly crumple the fabric and in this form send it into a boiling coffee solution (the volume of the solution should be less than with ordinary staining, so that the fabric cannot straighten out in it). There is no need to stir. Dry the dyed cloth on a radiator or in direct sunlight in a crumpled state. Iron after drying.
