How To Draw A Dress

How To Draw A Dress
How To Draw A Dress

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All girls adore drawing various dolls, charming princesses, fairy-tale sorceresses, beautiful fairies and just the same little girls like themselves. Often in the head of a little artist in the process of drawing another princess or a doll, the following question appears: "What would the heroine of the drawing wear this time?" And very often the baby chooses, of course, on a dress. Is it easy to draw a dress? In fact, even very much.

How to draw a dress
How to draw a dress


Step 1

You should start drawing the dress with the image of a small rectangle and a trapezoid coming out of its bottom side. The bottom of the trapezoid (the hem of the future dress) must be rounded, as well as the upper side of the rectangle.

Step 2

Further on the left and right sides of the rectangle, draw 2 small circles (dress sleeves).

Step 3

Now draw a wavy line along the hem of the future dress.

Step 4

Further from the wavy line of the hem, you need to draw the same short straight lines showing the folds of the future dress.

Step 5

Now the sleeves of the outfit need to be given an interesting shape of lanterns and small wavy folds should be depicted on them. Also, cuffs should be added to the sleeves of the dress.

Step 6

It's time to add a collar to the dress. It can be either triangular or round. Also, a thin belt should be drawn on the waistline of the dress.

Step 7

Now the dress can be decorated with a large beautiful bow tied at the waist of the dress. A small neat bow will also look very cute and original. The left and right sides of the rectangle drawn at the very beginning should be slightly rounded. At this stage of drawing the dress, you need to remove all unnecessary auxiliary pencil lines with an eraser.

Step 8

Next, the collar of the dress must be given the correct shape. To do this, you need to finish drawing the back of it using a rounded line.

Step 9

The dress turned out to be very beautiful, but not at all bright. This can be easily corrected with colored pencils, felt-tip pens, or paints.
