What Do You Need For Graffiti

What Do You Need For Graffiti
What Do You Need For Graffiti

Cavemen were also involved in drawing graffiti. The graffiti inscription appeared in the New York subway a year after its construction. Almost everyone knows what kind of art it is, and many strive to paint the way professionals do it - writers.

What do you need for graffiti
What do you need for graffiti

To create graffiti, you need to learn the rules of this drawing. Gain knowledge about paints, nozzles used, writing styles and techniques. There are special books for this, and you can find information on the Internet. Do not use fine markers, draw or write on cultural monuments and houses. Practice drawing on paper, develop your own style. Learn good techniques from experienced writers, choose the best color combinations and letters in general, be as accurate as possible. Explore the range of paints. Please note that there are markings on the cans. The most common paint in Russia is Abro. This paint is good for bombing, but not for serious work. Abro is not resistant to cold, starts to flow quickly. The motif is an acrylic paint that has earned respect among writers. It fits well on the wall, is suitable for serious work, and the color palette is quite wide. Get markers, as well as ink to refill them. You will need a marker to sketch the future drawing. They can be bought in numerous specialty stores across the country and online. Newbies will need gloves - paint that gets on your hands as a result of inept operation with a spray can is very difficult to clean. Ordinary medical gloves (they can be thrown away after use) or cloth gloves (if not a pity) will do. Buy a paint mixer if you want to get new colors from the existing ones (for example, to get green paint you need to mix blue and yellow). Make graffiti stencils. These can be any drawings cut from stiff paper. The stencil is applied to the wall, and paint from a balloon is applied along its contour - the output is an excellent picture. A high-quality stencil can be used an unlimited number of times. Use caps (nozzles on a spray can) of different diameters. The thickness of the fill line depends on the nozzle. Nozzles can be purchased as a complete set with a spray can, or separately. If it is not possible to obtain them in your city, then they can be freely ordered on the Internet. You may need an airbrush. This is a special spray that allows you to add additional finishing touches to your drawing.
