For many people, the railway is a symbol of childhood and childhood dreams. In childhood, everyone dreamed of having their own railroad, and when this dream becomes a reality, playing with the railroad and modeling on the railroad becomes a serious hobby that attracts not only children, but also adults who spend a lot of money on equipping and decorating their railroad. You can create some elements for the layout of the railroad by hand without purchasing expensive parts in the store.

Step 1
A real railway cannot be imagined without a full-fledged natural relief that surrounds it, buildings, plants, and much more. Prepare a free and comfortable table for creating the layout.
Step 2
Your railroad should fit on the table - railroad tracks and trains. Also make sure you have somewhere to connect the rail power supply. Come up with a mental image of your layout, sketch on paper. Determine what elements it will consist of. Lay out the table, determining exactly how to lay the rails and what to place around them.
Step 3
Mountains occupy a special place in the natural relief. It is very easy to make mountains with a tunnel for a model of a railway - you will need a model knife, as well as plywood, polyurethane foam, sandpaper and alabaster. Come up with the shape of the future mountain, and then, laying the rails on the model table, make a box of plywood of a suitable size over the rails.
Step 4
Trains must pass freely inside the box. Gently apply polyurethane foam around the box, forming the shape of the mountain. Try to achieve a natural and spontaneous shape. Apply each new layer of the mountain after the previous one dries slightly.
Step 5
Wait until the foam is completely dry, and in a day, start processing it. Use a dummy knife to process the mountain, cutting off excess fragments and giving it the final shape. Cut out pits and valleys, form a reliable relief.
Step 6
Dilute the alabaster in water and cover the entire mountain with a 3 mm layer with a brush. After a few hours, paint the mountain with a gray spray primer that matches the color of the real stone. Sand the surface of the mountain, peeling off paint in some areas to create a natural looking abrasion.
Step 7
Paint some parts of the mountain with a dry brush with black, white and dark green paint. This will make your mountain look much more realistic.
Step 8
Your mountain is ready - you can add artificial trees, houses, artificial lawns, figures of people and animals, cars, and many other elements of the layout.