What Are The Riddles About Fruits

What Are The Riddles About Fruits
What Are The Riddles About Fruits

Getting to know the world around you is an important part of any child's life. It is parents, even before school teachers, who will be able to give their child the necessary knowledge. Moreover, it is best to do this in a game company, which will unite you with your baby in a common and very funny activity. Introducing your child to the world of fruits and vegetables is very easy with just a few interesting riddles.

What are the riddles about fruits
What are the riddles about fruits

What are the riddles about fruits

About the apricot: “What kind of fruit is ripe in our garden? The bone is inside him and in the freckles of his cheek. A swarm of wasps flew to him today. So sweet is soft ….

Riddle about pineapple: “Warmed by the warm sun and dressed in a skin, as in armor. The thick-skinned and tasty one will surprise you ….

Rebus about a watermelon: “You can hardly embrace this fruit, and if it is weak, you cannot pick it up. Then cut it into pieces and eat the red pulp "and" It is as big as a soccer ball. And, if ripe, then everyone around is happy. It tastes good. What is this ball? … ".

About banana: “Absolutely all kids know this fruit. Monkeys also love to eat it. He comes from the hottest countries, grows in the tropics ….

Two riddles about grapes: “There is a pile of sweet berries on a thin string-stalk. Straight on a large dish "and" He always grew up in the south and gathered his fruits in a bunch. And in the harsh winter it will bring raisins straight to your home."

Puzzles about a sweet pomegranate: “This is a small stove with red coals” and “What a fruit - just a box with a secret. The seeds are delicious to look at. Everything is transparent, everything is bright pink. Shake, how strange, it doesn’t ring.”

About grapefruit: "This is a yellow ball, which is slightly bitter, and in summer it will perfectly quench your thirst."

Pear riddle: "This fruit tastes so good and looks a little like a light bulb."

Rebus with the answer "melon": "She is round-headed and yellow-faced. Can compare with the sun. And what a fragrant pulp, so sweet! All - fans from now on the queen of the field … ".

Two riddles about lemon: “This yellow citrus fruit grows only in sunny countries. But it tastes sour, and his name is … "and" This fruit is almost like an orange, with thick skin and juicy. He has only one drawback - sour well, very, very ".

Riddle about tangerine: "The orange has a younger brother, because he is quite small."

Rebus with the answer “peach”: “This fruit is so sweet, round, and very smooth. But inside the fruit is fragrant, and outside it is fluffy."

Two riddles about the plum: “He has a blue uniform and a white lining. And in the middle it is very sweet "and" Balls hang on wooden knots, which by the end of summer turned blue from the heat."

And some interesting puzzles about different vegetables

Two riddles about carrots: “She is a red girl, but sits in a dungeon, and her scythe is on the street” and “She dragged a fox out of a mink by her curly tuft. It is very smooth to the touch, but insanely sweet to the taste”.

Several puzzles about onions: “A grandfather, who is wearing a hundred fur coats, is sitting in the ground. The one who undresses him then sheds tears "," He hid from the field mouse in the ground with his head. Above there are only tight arrows that skillfully reach the sun. He cures seven ailments. Ripe is good for everyone … "and" This vegetable is a beloved brother of garlic, but no one is to blame for the fact that someone touches him will instantly drop a tear."

And also a riddle about potatoes: "And casseroles, and pancakes, pancakes and mashed potatoes, zraza and dumplings, livers in the peel, as well as excellent okroshka can be made from …".