It has long been known that you can get positive energy from trees. But not everyone knows how to do this. It should also be borne in mind that not every tree can be used as a donor. The ancient Celts possessed secret knowledge about trees that have come down to us.

Donor Trees and Vampires
First you need to find out which trees are capable of charging a person with positive energy. Pine, cedar, oak, birch, linden, maple, viburnum, acacia, as well as all fruit trees are considered donors. They normalize blood pressure, treat colds, tone up. It is better for women to feed on acacia, linden, viburnum, men - on maple and oak.
Trees such as poplar, aspen, spruce are considered vampires, i.e. absorb energy. But they are able to take away not only positive, but also negative energy, so with their help you can, for example, get rid of stress. But after that you need to recharge from the donor tree.
Some trees are neutral in themselves, but for one person they can become a donor, for another - a vampire.
To determine how the tree will affect you, you need to bring your palm to it at a short distance and listen to the sensations. If heat appears, then the tree is a donor, if cold, then a vampire.
Charging from a tree
Plants are most energetically strong in the early morning.
If you are depressed or sick, you need to approach the tree from the south to replenish energy. First, touch it with your forehead, hug it with your palms, ask for help and lean with your whole body.

If you are overexcited and nervous, in order to calm down, approach the tree from the north. Stand with your back to it, lowering your arms and touching your palms to the trunk.

A session can last 5-10 minutes until you feel light, sleepy, or something else. For each person, energetic recharging can manifest itself in its own way.
After that, you need to mentally thank the tree and say goodbye to it.