Beading is known as the most popular type of applied, original art. Beaded products will be a great addition to the interior of any home. They give us the warmth of hands and the charm of the created composition. Beaded trees, with all the simplicity of needlework, come out of the hands of a needlewoman as fabulously beautiful. It is not so difficult to become a master of artistic beadwork. All you need for this is love and a little patience.

Step 1
Cut the wire into 10 cm long as many pieces as you need the branches of the tree. Take one piece of wire and put 9-10 beads on it. Place them in the center of the wire and twist its free ends so that in the center you get an oval of beads. It turned out to be a single branch.

Step 2
Make another twig as described above, but do not twist the remaining loose wire all the way. Twist only 3-4 turns at the base of the oval. Next to the central oval, cast 9 more beads on one of their wires, so that you get another oval. Twist it at the base by 3-4 turns.
Step 3
Repeat the same on the other free half of the wire. Twist the remaining ends of the wire tightly to the end - this will be the barrel. You have got a three-legged twig.

Step 4
Make as many single and three-legged branches you need. Collect the tree from the branches. To do this, leave one or two three-legged branches in the center vertically. Place the remaining single and three-legged branches in a horizontal plane, relative to the vertical trunk, and at any inclination to it.
Step 5
As the tree grows, carefully fix the trunks of the branches, twisting them together. On the widest part of the tree trunk, after completing the assembly, it is necessary to drip glue from a pistol in several places. After that, your beaded weave is guaranteed not to decay over time.

Step 6
Then, bending back the branches, carefully wrap the trunks with a floss thread. Usually a tree of 6-8 branches takes no more than 1 skein.
Step 7
Place the product in your wood container. Gently holding the trunk, pour small pebbles or fill the container with gypsum until the tree is stable. If you have used plaster, wait until it has completely set. Then grease it with office glue, sprinkle with dried grass and sketch in some beads. Making beaded trees is not that difficult.