How To Open Your Voice

How To Open Your Voice
How To Open Your Voice

Table of contents:


Although the main flow of information in a conversation goes through auditory perception, an important contribution to the attitude towards the interlocutor is made by the subjective characteristics of his voice: timbre, intonation, tempo, diction. To develop a beautiful, pleasant voice, complexes of exercises have been invented that improve diction, reveal timbre and contribute to general liberation.

How to open your voice
How to open your voice


Step 1

To open your voice, do articulatory gymnastics: bite your tongue from tip to root and back, "pierce" the inner sides of your cheeks with the tip of your tongue, suck in your cheeks, and stretch your lips.

Step 2

Play "question-answer": making the sound "y", rise from the low part of the range to the upper (not from extremely low to extremely high, but within comfortable tones). The result is an interrogative intonation. Then, from about the same tone, go back down, as if answering your own question.

Step 3

Read tongue twisters aloud. Start at a slow pace, while you can stand in front of a mirror. Turn it into a theatrical sketch, tell your reflection tongue twisters like stories, with different intonations: either as a terrible fairy tale, or as an anecdote, or as a big secret, or in the form of rap. Try to change the pitch of your voice: read high and low.

Step 4

Sing it. Choose the style of singing (pop-jazz, folk or opera) that you like and match more, find a teacher and try to enjoy the vibration of your own voice.
