Austria is a country located in the very center of Europe. Relatively small in size - its area is 84 thousand square kilometers. It abounds in a variety of climatic zones, from picturesque river valleys to high mountains covered with eternal snow. That is why there is a line in the Austrian anthem: "Land of mountains and waters, land of streams."

Vienna, the capital of Austria, is considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. In addition, the country has many interesting sights, as well as a mass of well-equipped ski resorts, which attracts tourists to Austria from all over the world.
Although Austria is a highly developed industrial state, fully enjoying the fruits of scientific and technological progress, its citizens respect and observe ancient traditions. Suffice it to say that the traditional national costume (for men - gray-green jackets and leather trousers, for women - dresses with a long fluffy hem and a narrow bodice) is considered official here. It can be worn everywhere: even at friendly parties, at least when visiting the most fashionable restaurants or even at a ball at the Vienna Opera. This will not surprise anyone, much less cause ridicule.
The observance of traditions also applies to the holding of various holidays, one of which is the festival of the grape harvest. It falls at the end of September and is celebrated in the wine-growing regions of the country: Lower Austria and Burngenland. The center of this holiday is the spa town of Baden pod Vienna. The numerous guests who come there can visit the vineyards, watch the harvest, visit the wine cellars and taste different types of wines. And having looked into any Austrian tavern - heuriegr, guests of the holiday will be able to drink plenty of young wine accompanied by excellent meat snacks typical for Austrian cuisine. At this time, folk and musical groups will perform on the streets of Baden pod Vienna.
Russian citizens wishing to attend this holiday must have a foreign passport and a Schengen visa valid for the period of the trip. It can be obtained either directly from the Austrian embassy, or from the embassy of any other country that is part of the Schengen agreement. You can get to Vienna either by direct flight, or by flying to any nearest major city of the Schengen country (for example, Prague), and from there to get to Vienna by train. And it's very easy to get to Baden near Vienna from the capital. This city is located very close to Vienna, both suburban trains and buses go there.