In the life of Mikhail Zadornov, there were two main beloved women. The satirist lived with his wife Velta for many years. And the second beloved Elena gave birth to the artist's long-awaited daughter.

Comedian Mikhail Zadornov always hid information about his personal life behind the “closed oak door”. The artist himself has repeatedly noted in conversations with reporters that he does not want to share his innermost with anyone. But something about the second half of Zadornov is known today.
School love
While still at school, the future eminent comedian met his first wife. At first, young people were friends for a long time and communicated closely with each other. Later they said that there was no question of any love at first sight. When they met, Mikhail Zadornov and Velta Kalnberzina were too young to immediately experience any serious feelings. Gradually, common interests and the same outlook on life led to the fact that love began to awaken in young hearts. It is interesting that Mikhail and Velta entered the same university. This brought the couple closer together.
When young people confessed their feelings to each other and started dating, the first serious problem arose in their life. Kalnberzina's father (a well-known politician in Latvia) was categorically against the girl's romance with a poor guy from a simple family. Therefore, Zadornov had to fight for the hand and heart of his beloved.

The couple, despite the prohibitions of their parents, soon began to talk about the wedding. But then Mikhail was taken into the army. Velta's father hoped very much that during the absence of the unwanted groom, the daughter would change her mind and choose a more worthy candidate for the role of her spouse. But Kalnberzina was waiting for the chosen one from the service. Soon after demobilization, the lovers got married and began to build a life together in Moscow. Over time, the parents resigned themselves to the choice of their daughter and began to treat their son-in-law warmly.
Romance on the side
For many years Velta and Mikhail lived side by side. Even when another woman appeared in the life of a humorist and a child was born, he did not draw up a divorce from his first wife. Next to the dying Zadornov in the hospital were two women at once - a wife and a new muse. It was at the patient's bedside that they were able to talk for the first time in many years and even find a common language.
Velta Yanovna was never able to give birth to the famous comedian of the child. Serious health problems did not allow the woman to become a mother. Therefore, Zadornov's wife devoted her entire life to her career. Today Kalnberzina is a professor of philological sciences and works in one of the capital's universities. Due to her inability to give birth to her beloved child, Velta closed her eyes to the fact that over time another woman appeared in his life. Kalnberzina never reproached her husband for treason, but tried to accept his choice. In the family, they simply did not talk about Zadornov's new darling. The spouses continued to communicate warmly and remain married, as if nothing had happened. Only in the last years of his life did Mikhail move to a new lover and divorced Velta. But this did not quarrel the former spouses.
Even after the official divorce, Zadornov continued to financially support his first wife. When parting, Mikhail and Velta calmly divided the property acquired over many years, they did not have a single public conflict. With the ex-wife, the humorist consulted about his creative plans until the end of his life, and the woman took over the care of his elderly parents.
Faithful fan
Zadornov's new lover has long been his loyal fan. Elena Bombina was the first to confess her love to a satirist, and for several months she waited with bated breath for his answer. As a result, the feelings turned out to be mutual. True, Mikhail did not offer his hand and heart to Elena. But the woman in love was ready to be with him, no matter what. Bombina became the comedian's common-law wife, as well as his assistant in everything. Zadornov told friends that his beloved is his main muse and source of inspiration. She supported every new project of Mikhail, all of his undertakings. Elena tried to always be close to the chosen one and fulfill his dreams. For example, shortly after the beginning of the relationship, Bombina gave birth to the comedian's long-awaited daughter. Zadornov was infinitely happy and, of course, immediately recognized the baby. The girl, who was also named Elena, received her father's surname.

It was his daughter who provoked Mikhail's divorce from his first wife. When Lena was already 17 years old, she suddenly learned from the newspaper that her father is still married to Kalnberzina. The girl was shocked by this news and at first did not believe in her. After a serious conversation with the heiress, the satirist filed for divorce.

The first and second beloved women of Zadornov never communicated with each other. For the first time, they were alone only when they were caring for an already seriously ill satirist. Mikhail was diagnosed with an oncological disease, which could not be cured, despite the enormous efforts on the part of the artist himself and his entire family. In November 2017, the man passed away. At that moment, all the closest and dearest people were next to him.