Ekaterina Moiseeva is the wife and business partner of Mikhail Kusnirovich, founder of the Bosco di Ciliegi group of companies. She is in charge of the entire retail network, working with suppliers and buyers, and even organizing fashion shows.

Woman in business

Ekaterina Moiseeva is not just a spouse, but an assistant and partner of Mikhail Kusnirovich. In the Bosco di Ciliegi group of companies, she holds the post of commercial director, is in charge of fashion purchases, looks for new partners and selects collections that will be presented in Russia. It is to her that the company owes the perfect selection of brands. Today Bosco di Ciliegi represents more than 140 of the best brands from the world capitals of fashion, is engaged in jewelry and opens its own restaurants.
Carier start

The path to the fashion business began in the distant nineties. At that time, Mikhail ran a travel company and an amusement park, and Ekaterina was a graduate student at the Institute of Chemical Technology. Familiar Italians offered an additional business: the sale of men's knitwear. Together with a friend, Ekaterina opened a small department in the Petrovsky Passage. Against the background of the commodity shortage of that time, quality items were sold out instantly. It became clear that the business needed to be developed.
Having appreciated the commercial talent of his wife, Mikhail sent her to Italy to purchase new consignments of goods. The first deliveries were modest, beginning businessmen were afraid to take risks. A men's clothing boutique was opened, after a couple of years the business had to be expanded by introducing women's and children's lines. In 1994, the first high fashion brand appeared - Nina Riccy. This boutique laid the foundation for today's mainstream: premium fashion clothing.
At first, brands were selected intuitively, Ekaterina completely relied on her taste and fashionable flair. Surprisingly, there were practically no mistakes in purchases; the market, filled with low-quality consumer goods, enthusiastically accepted all the proposed novelties. Moiseeva does not consider success only her own merit: foreign partners rendered enormous help. By the way, she and her husband are personally friends with the leaders of many leading fashion houses. In her search for new partners, Ekaterina is helped by her excellent knowledge of languages: Italian and English. In the near future, I plan to study French. However, Catherine herself admits: in a mental sense, Italy is closer to her. She considers this country very understandable and almost native. It is not surprising that the lion's share of the brands represented in Bosco di Ciliegi are of Italian origin.
Free time and hobbies

Catherine herself admits that she has practically no leisure time, because even at home with her husband, they constantly discuss business issues. Working in the “24 by 7” mode is not difficult for her, but interesting: Moiseeva is sure that it is the intense life and the most tight schedule that add drive to life. In addition, what is considered a holiday and recreation for ordinary women - fashion shows in Russia and abroad, viewing new collections, going to presentations - are normal business days for her.
When a quiet evening is given out, Catherine prefers to spend it at the theater, and preferably with her husband. Such a trip is a great opportunity to chat and exchange impressions. Moiseeva, in her own words, dreams of regularly doing fitness and yoga, but there is practically no time left for this. However, it is simply necessary to think about physical form, especially when air travel takes up a significant part of the time.
But still my favorite vacation is a trip to Italy. Ekaterina does not hide: she prefers lazy lying on the beach, while her husband loves active tourism. Due to the mismatch of interests, sometimes you have to rest separately. While Mikhail is storming the Norwegian fjords, his wife is enjoying the sun in the Mediterranean. There are also dreams - for example, a trip to Tibet.
Ekaterina loves stylish and fashionable clothes and enjoys experimenting with looks. Her passion for fashion is part of her profession. Of course, favorite brands are always on sale. Moiseeva prefers feminine outfits with a slight vintage touch, but can try on more extravagant options.
A family

The marriage of Moiseeva-Kusnirovich is one of the longest and strongest in the Russian fashion business. Together they went through crises, recessions and ups. Mikhail and Catherine have two sons. The eldest, Ilya, did not plan to join the family business, considering the sale of clothes to be of little interest. However, there are a lot of directions in Bosco di Ciliegi, after a while, to the great joy of his parents, Ilya found an interesting sphere for himself. Today he is in charge of the Bosco Fresh Fest music festival, which is regularly held within the framework of the Cherry Forest. Recently, Ilya decided to study the fashion business in depth, it is possible that soon the list of business responsibilities of the heir to the fashion empire will expand. This approach is generally characteristic of Bosco di Ciliegi. Here they do not understand the fear of nepotism, attracting relatives and friends to the case. This approach yields excellent results - the team sincerely considers itself a big family, and Catherine is a kind, but strict mother and mentor.
The youngest son, Mark, because of his age, does not think about a career yet. Catherine tries to give him as much attention as possible, not wanting her son to spend all the time with the nanny. Parents dream that over time, the younger offspring will also be interested in the family business: there will be enough responsibilities and plans for everyone.