Mikhail Porechenkov was married three times and has five children. The strongest and most durable was the marriage with his third wife Olga. The couple are raising three children. Olga has worked as an artist for a long time, but today she is completely dedicated to preserving the home.

Mikhail Porechenkov is one of the most famous actors. He actively acts in films, plays in the theater. She is a screenwriter and producer. In 2006 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The actor's personal life is divided into three periods, each of which corresponds to one of the women. The actor does not really like to talk about his spouses and children, he prefers to focus on work. Mikhail Porechenkov has four children, there is also an illegitimate son who was born when the actor was young.
First marriage with Irina Lyubimtseva
Mikhail's first love happened when he studied at the Higher Military-Political School in the city of Tallinn in 1989. The couple had a son, Vladimir. The young did not live together for long, the actor left for Leningrad, and Irina died in 1993. The cause of death was an accident, the girl was found dead on the floor. The grandmother took custody of Vladimir, and a little later - the sister of Lyubimtseva. Mikhail did not appear in his son's life until he was 19 years old.
What was the reason for the separation, many do not know until now. According to one version, at that time Mikhail had an affair with another girl. According to others, the artist's mother prevented the happiness of the young. Irina's relatives say that their daughter was proud and independent. She was just offended by something. After parting, Mikhail tried to meet with Irina, wanted to improve relations. But he never did it.
When Vladimir celebrated his majority, father and son met. Currently, Porechenkov is helping his son. In 2015, Mikhail became a grandfather. His granddaughter was named Miroslava.

Second marriage with Ekaterina Podvalnaya
The girl became a real salvation after a painful breakup with Irina. Ekaterina is from St. Petersburg, grew up in a family of intellectuals, received a good education, mastered three languages. From her youth, she was distinguished by a sharp mind and purposefulness. It was these qualities that attracted Porechenkov.
The acquaintance took place at one of the largest business events. Mikhail was the host, and Ekaterina was the translator. Mutual sympathy arose between the couple at once. Therefore, after the evening, the couple continued to communicate. After a while, the couple legalized the relationship, and in 1998 the daughter of Barbara appeared.

The family did not last long, because after the birth of their daughter, about a year later, the marriage broke up. Many believe that the divorce is due to the fact that the husband and wife were both too ambitious, focused on their careers. Catherine refused to sit on maternity leave. At the time of the birth of her daughter, she defended her Ph. D., worked in a major international company. She had practically no time left for her family and household chores. Mikhail was constantly not at home due to rehearsals and tours.
After the divorce, Podvalnaya's career took off. Today she is the head of the School of Practical Personnel Management at VTB, provides business advice, and is one of the best specialists in this field. Daughter Varvara decided in the footsteps of her dad, choosing a career as an actress.

The third marriage of Mikhail Porechenkov with the artist Olga
The acquaintance of young people took place on the set of the film "D Day", where Olga worked as a decorator. The couple began to meet in 1999, and in 2000 the relationship was officially registered. The couple are raising three children: Misha, Masha and Petya. After meeting in the Porechenkovs, Olga devoted herself entirely to home. Her professional skills came in handy when building a family home. Olga built it in two years.

Mikhail appreciates wisdom and gentle character in his wife. Over the years of marriage, she never reproached the actor, she happily accepted children from her previous marriage. Porechenkov notes that his wife supports him with all her might, creates "a quiet marina and a reliable rear in the family."
Porechenkov believes that children should definitely go in for sports, especially boys. Therefore, in every possible way contributes to the sports education of children. Today, all five children actively communicate with each other. He goes to various meetings, parties, celebrations with Olga. On weekends, spouses often get together for get-togethers with friends.