The law of meanness manifests itself in all spheres of life. Not surprisingly, before any important event, most people begin to fear that right now it will work and everything will not go according to plan. How to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises and learn to deceive the most effective and unpleasant law of the Universe - the law of meanness.

How the law of meanness manifests itself in life
The law of meanness says: a problem will surely arise if it is destined to arise. Probably, every person at least sometimes experienced the law of meanness on himself. For example, for some reason the next line in a supermarket always moves faster, if you are in a hurry, then a red light will always light up at intersections, as soon as you drive up to them, when you are in a hurry for a date, a passing car will surely throw mud at you …
Many examples can be cited that can ruin the mood and even plunge into despondency, especially when the law of meanness interferes with important events on which the future fate and career depends.
How to learn to deceive the law of meanness
To neutralize the law of meanness, you do not need to carry out any magic rituals and read conspiracies, you just need to take control of the current situation and minimize the impact of external factors.
You need to sincerely believe that the upcoming event does not play a big role in life. You should mentally underestimate the importance of the upcoming event. You do not need to mentally concentrate all the time on the fact that everything should go perfectly and constantly replay the possible development of events in your head. It is advisable to be distracted by something else. For example, go to the movies or just walk aimlessly, enjoying the fresh air. No matter what happens, fate will always provide a chance to correct the current unpleasant situation and achieve success, so unnecessary worries will not bring success. Better to trust your fate.
Do not forget about time - on the eve of important events, there is always a lack of it. You need to learn how to add time. This also applies to travel time. It is known that before important events, as a rule, the engine stalls, and public transport is late. It will not be superfluous to check the serviceability of the alarm clock on the eve of an important event or even start several devices at once.
There is no need to talk about your plans for the future. Better not to waste time on empty talk. Talking about your true dreams is once again attracting problems. It will be all the more offensive if everything goes wrong, and everyone around you is already aware of what was planned. It is better to please your loved ones with a story about an already accomplished event.
Positive thinking plays a huge role. In moments of happiness, you do not need to constantly wind yourself up and think that a nuisance is about to happen and a good mood will irrevocably disappear. Fear is a very strong emotion that can override everything else, and exactly what a person fears most in life happens.
You need to learn to think far-sightedly, try to take into account all possible unforeseen situations and draw up a clear plan in advance if they arise. Just like that, an unexpected situation turns into a completely expected one, and the law of meanness is defeated.