How To Care For Miltonia

How To Care For Miltonia
How To Care For Miltonia

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Orchids of the Miltonia species with their beautiful open flowers resemble the wings of bright exotic butterflies, which only for a moment landed on juicy greenery. They are called so - butterfly wings. From small nondescript false bulbs, several straight panicle stems often develop at once with flowers of white, red, pink or yellow color. These flowers are striking not only with their charm, but also with a bizarre color that resembles eyes. Hence their other name - pansies. Caring for them is not difficult at all.

How to care for miltonia
How to care for miltonia


Step 1

Miltonia is not at all demanding on light; it can easily grow in partial shade. It must be shaded from the bright sun. This plant has a feature that will tell you whether the flower has enough light or not. With proper lighting, the leaves of the plant acquire a slight pink tint.


Step 2

This orchid is native to the tropics of Brazil. Therefore, she needs a warm content. The best temperature for them in summer is about 20 degrees, and in winter - at least 16. They cannot stand fluctuations in day and night temperatures. This difference should be no more than 3 degrees for the plant to feel good and to bloom regularly. Also, in the place where this flower is located, there should be no drafts. but airing will affect it very well.


Step 3

Milnonia needs about 70%. At lower humidity, the plant grows more slowly and the peduncles begin to dry out. The moisture content should be the higher, the warmer the content of the flower. For this, air humidifiers, trays with water are used, but, at the same time, one should not forget about ventilation, because stagnant humid air can lead to fungal diseases.

Step 4

During the period of active growth, abundant watering is required, preventing the land from drying out, especially during flowering. Also, do not flood the plant. The best watering for this tropical plant is a hot shower. the water temperature should be 35-45 degrees. After such a rain, be sure to wipe the axils of the leaves to avoid decay. In winter, watering should be reduced - the lower the temperature, the less - watering.

Step 5

During the period of growth and flowering, the plant is fed twice a week with a fertilizer intended for orchids, only half the concentration. Moreover, you need to alternate root dressing with foliar. Those. spray with a weak solution of the same fertilizers.

Step 6

Miltonia needs a dormant period for regular flowering. It begins after the ripening of young bulbs. At this time, watering is reduced and the temperature is lowered to 15 degrees. The usual mode of keeping is returned after the appearance of the peduncle.

Step 7

It is recommended to transplant this plant every two years. The best moment for this will be the end of flowering. But it is better to have time before the new shoots reach 5 cm in height. In order not to cause rotting of new shoots, the plant should not be deeply buried during transplantation. The root system of miltonia is small, the roots are thin and sensitive to excessive moisture. Therefore, good drainage is needed at the bottom of the pot. The pot itself should be small, with loose soil. It is good to add pieces of coniferous bark, charcoal and peat to the substrate.

Step 8

The plant is propagated by dividing the bush, making sure that there are at least three pseudobulbs on each plant.

Step 9

The most important pests of miltonia are whiteflies, thrips and scale insects. Thrips appear at high temperatures or low humidity. When affected by thrips, the leaves acquire a silvery tint. When scabies appear, the leaves become covered with brown plaques with sticky secretions. When whitefly is affected, the underside of the leaves becomes covered with whitish spots. With severe damage, the leaves become discolored and die off.
