Many species of fish have a well-developed sense of smell, so the key to successful fishing is the use of bait. Various odorous substances are added to the bait mixtures that attract the fish. For feeding fish, you can use feeders, which are thrown into the water using a rod.

If there is a need to throw bait into places remote from the coast, then for this purpose, feeder tackles are used - donks with a feeder.
Donkey rod with feeder
Feeder (English "to feed" - "to feed") is a tackle for constant feeding of fish during fishing. To build a donk with a feeder, you need to choose a suitable rod. It can be an ordinary carbon fiber spinning rod with the number of knees from 3 to 5. As for the length, it depends on how far you plan to cast.
The further you need to cast the tackle, the longer the rod length should be. The average length of feeder spinning rods ranges from 330 to 500 centimeters. There are also rods, the length of which can be changed using an insert - a mini-knee.
Feeder rod classification
The class of the rod depends on the test indicators, that is, on the correspondence of the action of the rod to the weight of the cast weight. Feeder rods are divided into the following classes:
Light (light) - this class is designed for casting loads weighing up to 40 grams. The main purpose of the light feeder is to catch medium-sized fish with the casting of the feeder over medium distances.
Medium - a rod for casting loads weighing from 40 to 80 grams. Feeders of the middle class can be used for bottom fishing with a feeder in narrow rivers, where the flow is not very fast, as well as on small ponds. Medium class rods are used for casts no further than 50 meters.
Heavy (heavy) and Extra-heavy (super heavy) classes are designed for ultra-long casts. Heavy rods allow you to cast a load weighing from 80 to 120 grams. Super heavy rods allow you to cast loads weighing over 120 grams. They can be used for fishing on large lakes, reservoirs, wide rivers with strong currents. Casting range - up to 100 meters.
Features of fishing on a donk with a feeder
The shore of the reservoir should be free of bushes and trees. Free space on the shore is required for maneuvers when casting gear.
The pauses between casts should be small. The optimal pause time is 1 to 5 minutes. The time depends on the type of bait. The faster the bait is washed out of the trough, the more often casts should be. In order for feeder fishing to be productive, the feeder with the bait should be thrown several times in a row in the same place.