The classic labyrinth is the labyrinth from the island of Crete, which appears in the legend of Theseus and Ariadne. Labyrinths of this type are remarkable in that the algorithm for their creation is very simple.

It is necessary
A sheet of paper, pencil
Step 1
The first stage in creating a Cretan-type labyrinth is the image of the base in the form of a cross. You need to draw two short lines (horizontal and vertical) that intersect in the center at right angles. Then, opposite each of the four corners formed in the center, put a point - as shown in the figure. This is the basis of the simplest - three-circle - labyrinth.

Step 2
When the base is ready, start drawing the maze itself. To begin with, continue the top of the cross up and to the right - to the nearest drawn point, as shown in the figure. This is the center of the left-sided maze. If you want to depict a right-sided maze, draw the first arc in the opposite direction - up and to the left.

Step 3
Now draw an arc from the top-left point to the right end of the cross (for a left-handed maze) or from the top-right point to the left end (for a right-handed maze). Check the drawing.

Step 4
Then draw an arc from the left end of the cross to the lower right point as shown in the picture. In the case of a right-sided maze, do the same in a mirror image.

Step 5
Finally, draw the last, largest, arc: from the remaining point to the bottom of the cross. Your maze is ready. If the first turn in it is to the left, it will be called left-hand, if on the contrary - right-hand. In the picture, you can see a classic left-sided maze.

Step 6
If you want to build a maze with a large number of circles, then one or two right angles in each quarter of the cross should be added to the base of the maze. In this case, the first arc will need to be drawn from the upper end of the cross to the nearest side of the additional right angle. You will lead the next arc from the top of the opposite corner to a point next to the first right angle. The further algorithm will be similar to the construction of a three-circle maze.