How To Hook Bloodworms

How To Hook Bloodworms
How To Hook Bloodworms

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Bloodworms are the larva of the dergun mosquito, an inhabitant of most water bodies. Its size and color depends on the soil and habitat. The larvae can be both large (up to 25 mm) and small (up to 10-12 mm). You can plant bloodworms in different ways, the choice of one or another depends on the fishing season, the type of fish you catch, the number and size of bloodworms, in general, on many factors. In order for you to have the opportunity to choose the method that suits you, we will describe all the known fitting options.

How to hook bloodworms
How to hook bloodworms

It is necessary

  • - bloodworm;
  • - thin hooks;
  • - silicone rubber band.


Step 1

The first method is to attach one bloodworm larva each.

The classic method of insertion is by passing the hook under the second segment from the head of the larva. In order to properly plant bloodworms, you need to determine where the larva's tail is, and where the head is. This can be seen from one sign: the tail has a bifurcation in the form of horns. When planting, you need to hold the bloodworms very gently, it is very easy to crush it.

Step 2

Take the larva in your left hand and the hook in your right. Pierce the bloodworms under the second phalanx, making sure that the tip of the hook does not pierce the larva through. Then carefully thread the hook inside the larva. You can push the tip of the hook slightly outward for a better hook. You can also plant bloodworms by piercing it in the middle. This method is used for small larvae.

Step 3

The second method is to plant the larva with a ring.

This method is good when the bite for some reason subsides or the bite of little things becomes more frequent, which pulls the bloodworms by the tail. To do this, you need to take the larva, pierce the hook through and through and insert the hook again, a little further to the tail, so that a kind of ring is obtained from the body of the bloodworm.

Step 4

The third way is to plant the bloodworm with a bunch. This method justifies itself when fishing for large fish, or for winter fishing. Since the bunches of bloodworms can be prepared in advance, when changing the nozzle in frosty weather, you save time and do not freeze. To prepare the bundles, you can use pieces of nipple or silicone rubber. There are usually 6-8 larvae in a bundle, they are tied with a thread or elastic band and put on the hook directly through the harness. This way the bloodworm stays alive longer.
