Board RPGs are a well-known, but not very common hobby. Such projects sometimes suffer from excessive severity (which many players think is simply stupid) and too complex rules, which take more than one week to master. However, such problems are almost completely devoid of the tabletop RPG "Munchkin", which was created specifically for those who belong to the genre with a grain of irony.

It is necessary
- - a deck of game cards;
- - 3-6 players.
Step 1
Gather a group of friends. The game is designed for 4 people, but this value is not at all strict - the upper limit is not limited by anything except common sense (7 people will make one move for an extremely long time). Classically, 3-6 players take part in the party. It is not recommended to play with two players, because many of the nuances of a group match will be overboard.
Step 2
Purpose of the game: "pump" your character to the maximum, tenth level. At the same time, you need not only to successfully develop the hero, but also to prevent others from doing it. The range of possibilities for this is extremely rich and is limited only by a deck of cards: you set their number yourself - along with all the add-ons, several hundred titles are available.
Step 3
At the start of your turn, draw a card from the "dungeon" deck. If it is a monster, you will need to fight with it (see next step). The caught "Curse" acts as described, and any other card can be taken into hand or played. After all actions, pull "Treasures" (the number is indicated in the dungeon) - at the same time, if you used help in a battle with a monster, show the treasures to everyone present.
Step 4
The fight is, in fact, a comparison of the levels - yours and your opponent's. For example, your character has a third level, but you meet a troll of the 8th. Obviously, the battle is lost: you can roll a die and try to run away (values of 5 or 6 should fall out), or be punished as indicated on the card. However, not everything is lost: the player can ask for help from others (by promising an item - however, the promise is not necessary to fulfill), then the levels of the characters will be flattened. The rest of the players can also intervene in the battle - for example, use cards of potions, events, or additional monsters.
Step 5
Each player can have five treasure cards in their hands. If there are more of them, you need to give the extra ones to the character with the lowest level of your own choice. If the cards do not fit into your hand, you can use them on yourself in an unlimited number (if they do not mutually exclude each other, like two helmets).