A star is an essential element of New Year's or Christmas decoration. Five-pointed stars adorn postcards and posters dedicated to Victory Day. They are perhaps the most characteristic feature of the Moscow Kremlin. You can blind a star from plasticine, plastic, clay and even marzipan.

It is necessary
- - material for modeling;
- - stacks;
- - a tablet.
Step 1
A star can have a different number of rays. They can even be of different lengths and thicknesses, such as stars for fireworks. In a five-pointed star, all the rays are the same. Prepare plasticine and tear off 5 approximately identical pieces from it. Plasticine must first be kneaded a little.
Step 2
Take 1 piece of plasticine and roll a thick "sausage" out of it. It is best to do this between your palms, not on a board. While you are sculpting, the clay maintains a constant temperature and remains pliable. Roll 4 more of the same "sausages".
Step 3
From each "sausage" make a "carrot" - a long cone. This shape is achieved by pressing slightly harder on one edge of the workpiece while rolling. All "carrots" should be approximately the same in length and thickness. If necessary, remove the excess plasticine with a stack.
Step 4
Arrange the "carrots" as the rays of the star will be, that is, in a circle, with the thick end towards the center. Remember approximately their position. Blind 2 pieces together, keeping the intended angle between them. It's okay if it turns out a little more or a little less than necessary. You will correct your creation before finishing work. Stick the rest of the rays to the workpiece.
Step 5
Flatten the star between your palms. Smooth out the joints of the beams thoroughly. To do this, you can, for example, slightly moisten it with a palette of water and, with light pressure, draw it along the desired lines. You can also make the rays convex. Stack the centerline of each ray. Gently pinch the clay with your fingers, moving along this line from the end of the beam to the center.
Step 6
Small stars can be done differently. Form a round "cake". If the clay is already soft enough, just flatten it between your palms. Cut an asterisk out of paper. Place it on the "cake" and cut in a stack. In the same way, you can make stars from marzipan.
Step 7
Stars for a festive panel for Christmas or Victory Day can be painted. Cover your creation with an even layer of water-based paint, then paint with gouache or acrylic paints and varnish. If your panel has several elements, then first make a base. Stick plasticine on a cardboard or plywood rectangle with pieces of plasticine so that the layer is at least 0.5 cm. What color of plasticine does not matter in this case. Make a composition, blind all the elements together. Cover with water-based paint and paint.