Primrose is a plant that belongs to the primrose family. Primrose grows well both in the garden and at home. The plant is very popular among flower growers because of the beauty of flowers and the variety of their shades.

Reproduction and care of home primrose
Primrose propagates by seeds, axillary babies (rosettes) or shoots. Seeds can be obtained by artificially pollinating plants. Breeding outlets are separated as they are formed.
To propagate primrose by shoots, they are cut off after flowering and planted in a container with sand. Then the shoots are covered with plastic wrap. After they take root, they are planted in pots with soil consisting of sand, peat and foliage taken in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. There should be good drainage at the bottom of each pot.
So that the plant develops normally, does not hurt and pests do not appear on it, suitable conditions should be created for it. One of them is to maintain the optimum air temperature for this flower, 12-15 ° C. From time to time, primrose should be sprayed with soft warm water, you can put pallets of wet sand or pebbles under the flower pots.
It is better to grow the plant on a windowsill in a well-ventilated room. The primrose needs bright diffused light, so a window on the north, west or east side of the house would be the best option for it.
Since primroses love water, you need to water primrose, alternating moderate watering with abundant watering. It is imperative to ensure that the soil is moistened, but no stagnation of water forms. Water the plant in the evening. This should be done carefully so that the liquid does not get on the leaves.
In spring, indoor primrose can be transplanted into a shaded area in the garden. At the end of summer, the plant must be returned to room conditions.
Fertilizing primrose is necessary with iron-containing compounds. It is necessary to introduce them into the soil from the end of winter, when the first buds are formed on the plant. After that, the flower needs to be fed for the entire flowering period once every two weeks.
The volume of the primrose pot should be several times larger than the ground part.
The most popular domestic primroses
Chinese primrose is a plant of hybrid origin with oval leaves, serrated at the edge. The plant blooms in winter with red, orange and white flowers.
Reverse conical primrose (obkonika) is a plant with lobulated rough leaves of a dark green hue, wavy along the edge. The obkonika blooms throughout the winter with white, pink, lavender-blue flowers.
The soft primrose is an indoor species that forms white, pink, or red inflorescences from November to May.