Bath procedures help a person to rest, relax, gain strength. It is not without reason that it is believed that the bath is able to cleanse not only the body, but also the soul.

When visiting the bathhouse, you must take with you a fragrant broom - for example, birch, oak or eucalyptus. But in order for a visit to the bath to bring only a positive result, you need to learn how to properly go to the bath. Firstly, in no case go into the steam room without a headdress: hair accumulates heat, therefore, you can get heatstroke. Don't spend too much time in the steam room - remember that your body's endurance has its limits. To activate the body's defenses, after a steam room, be sure to take a cold shower or plunge into the pool. To give your skin a radiant and velvety look, bring a scrub - for example, sugar, coffee or honey. And do not forget to drink plenty of fluids while visiting the bath - it is better to give preference to herbal teas, berry fruit drinks, freshly squeezed juice. It is useful for almost everyone to visit the bathhouse - both children and adults, and even pregnant women. Although many gynecologists prohibit pregnant women from visiting a sauna or bath, during the normal course of pregnancy, bath procedures will only benefit if you approach everything soberly and wisely. Pregnant women should properly go to the bathhouse - prefer saunas or baths with a low temperature in the steam room (no more than 80 degrees), do not spend too much time in the stuffy atmosphere, be sure to wear rubber slippers and put a mat or towel on the shelf. It is best to visit the bathhouse (if we are talking about a public institution) as part of a special group for pregnant women. The respiratory and circulatory systems of a pregnant woman respond positively to going to the bathhouse, and the skin is in excellent condition - dermatotoxicosis regresses, and stretch marks decrease. A proper visit to the bath helps to strengthen the immune system and to fight off such diseases that are undesirable for pregnant women as flu, colds, and all kinds of viral infections. Moreover, there is an opinion that pregnant women who regularly visit the bathhouse tolerate childbirth much easier - the positive effect of bath procedures allows you to increase the elasticity of the ligaments, relieve muscle tension and relax the autonomic nervous system. Before visiting the bath, try to consult with a gynecologist to make sure that the pregnancy is proceeding without complications.