The white dove is considered a symbol of peace, love and purity. It is not for nothing that images of this gentle bird are often found in wedding paraphernalia. The ability to draw a dove with a pencil is a useful skill that can be useful to you more than once in your life. Having decorated a greeting card with such a pattern with your own hand, you can give it a unique charm and touchingness.

Why is the dove a symbol of peace?
In the oldest book of mankind - the Bible - it is written that it was the white dove that brought the Old Testament Noah an olive branch, which testified to the end of the flood.
The ancient Romans considered the pigeons, who made a nest in the helmet of the warlike Mars, a symbol of peace. This bird was associated in those days with the good news - the end of the war.
The white dove began to be considered a symbol of peace throughout the planet after the famous artist Pablo Picasso painted the emblem for the World Peace Congress in 1949. This emblem adorned this bird carrying an olive branch in its beak.
If you look closely, the best candidate for such a symbol is hard to find. For example, a sparrow is too fussy, a crow is gloomy, and a peacock is too pompous. Perhaps a swan would do, but it is a symbol of fidelity in love.
In modern life, white doves are sometimes released as a sign of peaceful intentions. For example, this is what the current Pope Francis I did. During his Sunday sermon on the situation in Ukraine, the pontiff released two doves from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica as a symbol of peace. It is curious that the birds were immediately attacked by a raven and a large seagull, which attacked them. However, the pigeons managed to fly away.
How to draw a dove with a pencil
You should start drawing a pigeon from the main outline - the head, wings and body. First outline the outline of the pigeon's head, and from it draw a line of the slightly inclined body line. The tail of a flying bird should drop slightly downward. Draw the wings in the form of a "checkmark", but do not forget to follow the proportions and sizes of the contours. This stage of drawing is the easiest, but at the same time it is the most important. Indeed, the further drawing of the bird depends on how you depict the first contours.
Now slightly "animate" the drawing of the dove by adding a few lines. Draw the outlines of the body and the contour line for the tail. Also add the bird's legs, drawing only short contour lines to begin with.
The pigeon should look flying. To do this, sketch out the outlines of the plumage of its tail and wings. Then draw the pigeon's eye and beak.
There are only a few details left to add to the drawing. Most of the time you will need to spend on detailing the legs of the bird. After that, with a few strokes of a pencil, divide the wings of the dove into several segments.
Well, here you come to the final stage of drawing the bird. It is not difficult to depict the feathers for the tail and wings of the pigeon, since their outlines have already been drawn. You will only have to divide the lower contours with sharp sections and extend the lines up to the base of the wing. The tail feathers are drawn a little differently. They should be depicted as elongated ovals.
That's all, now you have managed to draw a dove - a symbol of peace. If desired, also draw an olive branch in the bird's beak. Since the pigeon should be snow-white, it does not need to be painted. You can only brighten the contours of the image and give the sky a pale blue color.