A man born under the sign of Scorpio is guided by sexual attraction, emotions and passion in relationships with the opposite sex. He always achieves his goals. In women, representatives of this zodiac sign value intelligence, loyalty and dedication.

Step 1
To get a Scorpio, you need to decide whether it will be a short-term affair or the beginning of a serious relationship. Choose a goal worth the effort. Then take decisive action.
Step 2
Scorpio easily makes contact with women, he loves romance, is a good sexual partner. Admire him as often as possible, conduct open conversations about erotic fantasies and secrets, he likes to fulfill even the most daring desires.
Step 3
Prepare a candlelit dinner for two, cover the bed with silk linen and sprinkle rose petals on top. Scorpio will be smitten and will be in your arms. Representatives of this zodiac sign have high magnetism and sexuality.
Step 4
To get a Scorpio for a serious relationship, in no case provoke him to jealousy. This will only alienate the man. Try to interest him as a person, he is attracted by intelligence, efficiency, share his hobbies and interests. Do not deceive such a man, he easily recognizes a lie, and Scorpio does not forgive betrayal and betrayal.
Step 5
Scorpios are very loyal to their companions, they are proud of their sexual achievements, and they perceive playing on their own feelings as an insult. Therefore, always admire him and emphasize his merits. Do not be jealous of such a man, this will instill in him the confidence that you trust him unconditionally.
Step 6
At the same time, do not completely dissolve in the Scorpio man, have your own interests, hobbies, professional growth. Have your own opinion on any issue. Scorpios like to quarrel, provoke scandals, they defend their opinion and do not like to be contradicted. Do not succumb to his provocations, be wiser, try to divert the conversation into a peaceful channel. In this way, you will prevent the Scorpio from trying to gain emotional control over you.
Step 7
In bed, it is important for Scorpio to occupy a dominant position. You should submit. The representatives of this zodiac sign have great energy and sexual potential, they do not have complexes and barriers.
Step 8
Do not scold such a man in public, do not talk to him in a dismissive tone, do not let rude words addressed to him. The only weakness they cannot resist is flattery.