DIY Paper Crafts

DIY Paper Crafts
DIY Paper Crafts

Needlework has become a popular hobby today. Some devote their free time to knitting, sewing, decoupage, others create original crafts from different materials. One of the most affordable and pliable is paper. From it with your own hands, you can create original gifts and decorations for the interior.

DIY paper crafts
DIY paper crafts

Paper crafts for the holidays

One of the most popular methods for making paper crafts is origami, an ancient Japanese art. With its help, ordinary sheets turn into spectacular swans, funny frogs, roomy boxes. Classic origami figures and folding rules are actively discussed in various forums by his fans. However, in addition to origami, today there are many other ways to use paper with benefit.

For example, you can create practical Christmas balls out of paper with your own hands. To do this, use multi-colored cardboard cut into circles of the same size. Draw the seamy side of each circle with an equilateral triangle. Bend the ends along the lines and glue the pieces together. If you want more shine, use metallized cardboard.

Paper crafts are quite practical: they cannot be broken, difficult to deform. However, handle the product carefully, because the material is very afraid of water and aggressive mechanical stress.

Beautiful openwork snowflakes are made from paper. They should be cut with small sharp scissors so as not to accidentally cut through the excess. To create a spectacular Christmas decoration, use the templates available on the web.

It is from paper that you can make original accessories for a friendly party. For example, today's fashionable mustache, lips, glasses, etc. Draw the desired shape on a suitable color cardboard. Complete it with a side strip and cut it out. Wrap a long piece of paper around a stick (e.g. cocktail tube, skewer) and secure with tape / glue.

Home decor made of paper

A popular type of needlework today is quilling, a Korean paper art. Each sheet is cut into thin strips that are twisted into a tight spiral. The element is slightly loosened to the desired size and the tip is fixed with a drop of glue. Then each detail is given a certain shape: a drop, a leaf, a month, etc. Quilling is used to create a variety of objects: from postcards and bookmarks to paintings and boxes.

You can use a wide variety of paper for quilling. Beautiful voluminous products are obtained from white sheets. Use colored stripes for postcards. Please note: the paper must be painted on both sides.

Paper can be used to decorate a floor lamp or chandelier. In the first case, use a thin translucent material. Gently wrap it around the floor lamp frame, leaving the top and bottom empty. These floor lamps are very popular in the Scandinavian style.

The second design option is to create beautiful garlands for the chandelier. Cut the thick paper into many circles of different diameters. Take several strands of the desired length and glue paper pieces onto them. Secure the decor to the frame. Please note: the threads with circles should completely hide the lamp. This decor looks original and makes the lighting mysterious. Instead of circles, you can cut out shapes or curl pretty paper flowers.
