Surely almost every person has old unnecessary things that will soon be disposed of. If you still have knitted T-shirts, it is better to knit a rug out of them than to send it to the trash can.

So, before you start knitting a rug, you first need to prepare a working material, in our case, these are knitted strips. We take old T-shirts and cut them into strips, the thickness of which should be equal to 1-1.5 centimeters. Then we pull them by the edges. This will make them round, and it will be much more convenient to work with them. It remains to connect the formed thread together and wind it into a ball.
To knit a rug, we need a pair of balls of knitted strips of different colors and a hook number 15.
CCH - a column with a crochet, vp - air loop.
Let's start knitting. We collect 5 air loops and close them to the ring.
1 row: we knit 10 CCHs into the resulting ring from air loops. Remember to end each row with a connecting post.
2nd row: we increase the total number of loops exactly twice, that is, we knit 2 CCHs into each loop of the previous row. As a result, you should get 20 CCHs.
3 row: we knit this row in the same way as the previous one - it turns out 40 CCH.
4 row: now we give our product a delicacy. We knit CCH, then 2 vp, then again CCH, but not in the next loop, but after one. So we knit to the end of the row.
5 row: we knit the whole row. In the arch of air loops there should be 2 CCHs each, in no case do not forget about this.
6 row: at this stage of work, you should start knitting with a thread of a different color. We fix the first thread, and the second we begin to knit the CCH.
7 row: in this row you need to repeat the same openwork that is present in the 4th row.
8 row: we knit this row in the same way as 5, that is, 1 CCH in a loop, 2 CCH in an arch from air loops.
9 row: we tie the first thread and knit a row of CCHs.
10 row: repeat 4 row again.
11 row: we knit in the same way as 5 row. So we alternate knitting up to row 16 inclusive.
17 row: in the first loop of the row we knit 6 CCHs, then repeat the same in every 6 loop of the row. Thus, a kind of teeth are obtained. At the end of knitting, we fix the thread. The knitted stripe rug is ready!