What Photographs Are Fraught With

What Photographs Are Fraught With
What Photographs Are Fraught With

More than two hundred years have passed since people learned to take photographs. Interest in this process not only does not fade away, but is gaining momentum, covering all spheres of life.

What photographs are fraught with
What photographs are fraught with

A brief excursion into the history of photography

The first cameras for photographing were more like bulky boxes, and the object had to freeze for a few seconds and not move. Otherwise, the photo will be blurry. They were filmed on glass plates covered with a photosensitive layer, which were then chemically treated to obtain a negative image. Then the pictures were printed from the negative on photographic paper. Progress has not stood still, and the process of photographing has become a successful business. Portable cameras appeared, followed by amateur photographers.

With the advent of photographic film, the process went much faster and became available to many. But all the same - it was some kind of magical action. And in order to get pictures, it was necessary to purchase a bunch of all kinds of utensils in addition to a camera. Film development barrel, chemicals: developer, fixer. I also had to buy an enlarger, a frame, photographic paper, a red lantern in order to see the fruits of my work in the dark. Indeed, in normal light, the photo paper will light up and turn black. Of course, only a few could equip a special laboratory, so the bathroom was most often used for this. It was possible to give the film for developing and printing photographs in a special photo studio. But whoever liked it. In any case, the fruits of their activities could be seen only after a few hours, or even the next day.

Everything changed with the advent of digital technology. Now almost everyone can take pictures using their mobile phone. And then - publish the pictures on the Internet in social networks, send them to your friends' mobile phones, or in the old-fashioned way - print on glossy paper. The process of photographing from a mysterious process has passed into the category of ordinary events. The number of shots has become simply enormous, but the quality has often deteriorated, both in composition and in resolution. But the perception of images in people has also changed, and claims to the image have decreased.

Who are the photographs taken for?

As before, photographs are taken as a keepsake. It's so nice when your face or a full-length picture is on the phone of a loved one, and he periodically admires it. It has become fashionable to take selfies and display them on social networks. And the more people like it, the higher a person's self-esteem rises. There was even a certain dependence on this process, which is not so easy to get rid of without the help of a psychologist.

But we must not forget that the image of a person is not only a physical or virtual picture. This image also contains more subtle information. In ancient times, people were anxious about the images of the world around them, understanding the sacred aspect of symbols. For example, in Judaism and Islam it is forbidden to depict God, man and animals. Sages and esotericists with secret knowledge saw the connection between a person and his image. Similar connections exist between other objects in the surrounding world. And the teachings of Kabbalah find them even in the numerical value of the names and names of objects.

What does the image conceal?

Many have heard about the rituals of black magic, about voodoo dolls. These rituals have real power. For example, witches and sorcerers, to whom a photograph of the victim fell into their hands, pierced their eyes in the image, burned them with fire, made incisions. And these actions led to illness or death of the person depicted in the picture. Love spells were also made from the photo. But good healers could use photographs to heal people, remove damage from them, remove the crown of celibacy, correct the biofield, and purify the aura.

In the caves of primitive people, scientists find rock paintings depicting animals struck by spears. Apparently, the ancient hunters already knew a lot about the energetic connection of living objects with their symbolic image. They painted animals on the rocks, and with the help of ritual dances and voice vibrations, they established subtle connections. Then they struck with spears drawings of future victims. In real actions, this greatly facilitated the hunt, and exactly those events took place that were pre-programmed by them.

By posting your photos on social media, there is a fear that the image will be negatively affected. And this can affect the person. Therefore, you need to be careful and try to limit the circle of people who have access to your images. You can also contact a specialist who can secure your pictures, protect them from all sorts of magical actions. For this, barely noticeable symbols are applied to the pictures, which a professional will create especially for you. If you decide to secure your images, then contact the Esoteric Laboratory of the Master Astrabel.