Malachite: Mining History, Magical And Healing Qualities

Malachite: Mining History, Magical And Healing Qualities
Malachite: Mining History, Magical And Healing Qualities

Malachite is a mineral whose history goes back more than one millennium. The green stone almost immediately managed to win the love and recognition of wealthy people. In ancient times, every wealthy person had at least one piece of malachite. Since ancient times, the mineral was considered the patron saint of doctors and scientists. They also used it in the field of beauty.


Malachite is a Ural gem with amazing beauty and high quality. The stone was found back in the 18th century on the territory of Russia. Production began almost immediately. For many years Russia began to be considered a malachite country. From the gem, it was possible to create products of amazing beauty.

Stone history

Initially, the stone was mined during the development of copper deposits. Malachite amazed everyone with its beauty. They began to actively buy and deify him. Almost all of the Urals have gone crazy with this gem. Over time, the stone began to be used not only in the manufacture of jewelry, but also for other purposes.

For example, beautiful vases and clocks were made from stone. Malachite was added to dyes. And some rich residents of the country made entire rooms of malachite. In the old years, if there was no stone in the room at all, then it was impossible to accept representatives of high society in it.

There was no question of saving. It got to the point that paths to the house were made of malachite. All this led to the fact that the deposits of the stone gradually disappeared. If earlier in the mine they could find a gem weighing up to several tons, then after wasteful use the mineral almost completely disappeared.

At the present stage, there is only one field left in the Urals, which was discovered relatively recently. The mineral is mined in Altai. Malachite has finally begun to be treated with care.

Malachite Box
Malachite Box

The leader in the extraction of malachite is Congo. It is this country that is engaged in the export of the mineral, which is of a fairly high quality and original pattern. In addition, the stone is not only mined in the bowels of the earth, but also synthesized in laboratories. The artificial mineral is lighter in weight.

Magical properties

Malachite has not only beauty, but also magical properties.

  1. In ancient times, there were legends that the gem is able to fulfill secret desires.
  2. He protected from evil spirits. For these purposes, the sun was cut out of the mineral.
  3. Helped to protect against the bite of poisonous animals.
  4. The stones were used by thieves and fraudsters, tk. it was believed that it helps to become invisible.
  5. If you drink water from a malachite bowl, you can understand what birds and animals are talking about.
  6. At the present stage, the stone is used as a means to achieve longevity. Previously, they tried to create an elixir of youth from malachite. But nothing happened.
  7. The stone will help get rid of negativity, calm down.
  8. Malachite is recommended to be worn by Taurus, Libra and Leo. Scorpio, Cancer and Virgo should give up the stone.

Medicinal qualities

Malachite has medicinal properties. With its help, wounds heal much faster. The gem helps to strengthen the immune system. According to lithotherapists, it is necessary to use the mineral in the fight against cancer. Malachite will help to cope with joint problems.
