Today, the most famous languages using hieroglyphics as a writing system are Chinese and Japanese. Both have the same hieroglyphs, which are derived from ancient Chinese pictographic writing. Gradually calligraphy became an art. Even the Chinese or Japanese take several years to master this skill, and foreigners face even greater difficulties in learning and writing hieroglyphs.

It is necessary
- squared notebook;
- pencil.
Step 1
Start with the theory of calligraphy. First of all, you need to find out the structure of the signs and learn how to write individual elements. In no case do not start immediately to practice, copying the hieroglyph as a picture, since such little things as the direction of the features and the ways of connecting them together are very important. An attempt to redraw a hieroglyph can lead to a complete distortion or loss of its meaning.
Step 2
Understand the structure of the hieroglyph. It consists of minimal components, traits. The peculiarity of the trait is that when writing it, you do not need to tear off the pen or pencil from the paper. Their number in one sign can vary from one to twenty-odd. There are 33 traits in total (vertical, horizontal, point, hook, and so on). The list can be viewed on this site
Step 3
Practice writing traits. To do this, take a notebook in a cage and write each one several times, fitting it into four cells. This is how children learn to write hieroglyphs in Chinese and Japanese schools. Follow the rules of calligraphy: write from top to bottom and from right to left, that is, horizontal lines should be drawn to the left, and vertical lines should be down.
Step 4
The next unit of a hieroglyph is a key or grapheme. Unlike minimal elements (traits), keys do matter. There are 214 of them. As a rule, a grapheme in a hieroglyph indicates its approximate meaning; for example, signs such as "swim", "wash", "sand", "tear" are composed of a key with the meaning "water". A list of graphemes can be found here Try to write a few of them, taking into account the writing rules indicated above. Also, make sure that when crossing the lines, first goes horizontal, and then vertical; write the outer elements first, and then the inner ones. Place the sign in four spaces, leaving small margins around the edges.
Step 5
Select the character you want to write, for example "love". In its full version, it consists of 13 lines, in the abbreviated form - of 10. If your goal is a word in Chinese, choose the simplified one, in Japanese, only traditional signs are still used. Divide the hieroglyph into keys and traits, count their number, practice writing them. So, in the composition of the sign "love" there are three graphemes going from top to bottom: "cover", "heart" and "go" (this combination of keys has developed historically). First, practice writing separately the keys and the top four-stroke compound.
Step 6
Write the hieroglyph by fitting all the graphemes into four cells. In this case, the sign is elongated vertically, so you need to pay special attention to ensuring that it does not go beyond the boundaries above and below and looks harmonious. Do not worry if it turns out to be clumsy: it is difficult to write beautifully the first time. Practice more, make confident movements, lifting your hand only when one line is completely finished.